
来源 :语言与文化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangyp2002
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随着中国与世界各国的联系日益密切,社会需要越来越多的外语人才。外语学习已成为一股热潮。本文将大学英语课堂活动大致分为三个阶段,即讲解阶段、言语产出阶段和应用交流阶段,并结合相关理论研究详细分析了各阶段的特点,以及在教学中能够促进外语学习的因素,说明了课堂正规指导与学习经历,在当今社会外语学习成为一股热潮的背景下,能够提高外语学习的效率,是大多数学子成功掌握外语的必由之路。 As China becomes more and more connected with other countries in the world, the society needs more and more foreign language talents. Foreign language learning has become a boom. In this paper, the activities of college English classroom can be divided into three stages: explaining stage, verbal output stage and applying communication stage, It shows the normal guidance and learning experiences in the classroom. Under the background that foreign language learning has become a craze in today’s society, it can improve the efficiency of foreign language learning and is the only way for most students to master foreign languages ​​successfully.
随着现代科学技术的发展,利用多媒体进行课堂教学以不可阻挡之势纷纷涌入,改变了以往教师“一言堂”的教学方式,给予学生更大的学习空间。利用多媒体的 With the developmen
A goof in film making is an error made during film production which finds its way into the final released picture.Depending upon the film and the actual scene,t
在传统的英语教学中,教师只重视单词和语法知识的传授、句型的操练和课文的讲解,造成学生被动学习,课堂教学缺乏活力。要改变这种状况,教师在组织课堂教 In traditional Eng
1.请问in future和in the future都表示未来,用法和意义有无区别?答:in future表示从今以后,例如Try to do better in future.(今后要好好干。)in the future强调将来、未来,
(11月1日)单词巧记(1)employer n.a person or group that employs others雇主,老板。employeen.a person who is employed受雇者,雇员。employ vt.①to give a job.to雇用②