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保加利亚有一名女子,拥有5个硕士学位,智商高达200,等同于居里夫人。该国智商机构将她评为“最聪明的女人”,预计至少可以拿两个诺贝尔奖。可出乎意料的是她却要靠政府救济金度日,甚至连一份保洁员的工作都找不到。对此,人们会有多元的思考,但究其因,是这位“国际超女”的自我感觉超好,不甘屈就与自己的“内存”不相匹配的职位。富兰克林年轻时曾去拜访一位前辈。挺胸抬头的他撞在了门楣上,疼得他嘴咧脚跳手捂头。出来迎接他的前辈对他说:“很疼吧?这将是你今生最大的收获,一个人要想有所作为,就必须时刻记住‘低头’。”自此,富兰克林处之泰然地从最不起眼的工作做起,融通人际,在示弱中自强,终成为“从苍天那里取得雷电,从暴君那里取得民权”的世界伟人。他在1790年辞世前,写好了自己的墓志铭——“印刷工富兰克林”。 There is a woman in Bulgaria with 5 master’s degrees and a IQ of 200, equivalent to Madame Curie. The country’s intelligence agency named her the “smartest woman” and is expected to take at least two Nobel Prizes. Surprisingly, she has to rely on government benefits, not even a cleaner’s job can not be found. In this regard, people will have a wide range of thinking, but the reason is that the “International Super Girl” feel super good self, unwilling to yield to their “memory” does not match the position. Franklin visited a senior in his youth. He crashed into the lintel on his chest and looked up, hurting his mouth and skimming his head. Out to welcome his predecessor said to him: “hurts? This will be the greatest gain in your life, a person in order to make a difference, you must always remember ’bow.’” Since then, franklin calmly from the most Starting from the eye-catching work, through interpersonal relationships and self-strengthening in showing weakness, it has finally become the great man in the world who “has acquired lightning from Heaven and made civil rights from the tyrant.” He died in 1790 before writing his own epitaph - “printing Franklin.”
The 1st International Public Health Exposition and the 1st International Forum on Public Health Development, jointly organized by Chinese Center for Disease Co
白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horvath)在我省为害水稻渐趋严重,尤以早稻后期受害最重,损失较大。掌握白背飞虱的产卵习性,对于了解发生动态,搞好测报和指导防治是很重要的
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