群众“说事” 干部“办事”

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湖北省南漳县有个“说事”制度:每月5日、15日、25日为“说事”日,县、镇干部直接到基层与群众“说事”——听取群众意见和要求,及时排忧解难。说“拢”了干群关系城关镇田家营村村委会主任受不住群众的“骂娘”声,与一名村民发生口角,并扭打起来,村民受伤住院半个月。在当月5日的“说事”会上,镇、村干部请来当事人在全村人面前说解疙瘩,双方各自检讨自己的问题,相互赔礼道歉,重归于好。事后,两人深有感触地说:“如果没有提供‘说事’的机会,恐怕这矛盾会越积越深,关系会越来越恶化。”李庙镇刘坪村有一条20多米宽的河阻隔着两岸村民的交往。村民要求建一座桥,但村委会说资金困难,无法实施。久而久之,村民对干部产生了怨气,干群关系逐渐冷淡,村里的工作群众也不支持。“说事”制度推行后,架桥的事提上议事日程。在村干部 Nanzhang County, Hubei Province, there is a “say things” system: 5, 15, 25 every month to “say things” day, county and township cadres directly to the grassroots and the masses, “said things” - Listen to the opinions and demands of the masses, timely solve problems. Saying that the relationship between cadres and the masses of cadres, the village committee director of Tianjiaying Village in Chengguan Town could not stand the masses “Bianniang ” sound, with a villager took an argument, and beaten up, the villagers were injured in hospital for half a month. On the 5th of the same month, at the meeting of “saying things”, the town and village cadres invited the parties to solve the knot in front of all the people in the village. Both sides reviewed their own problems and apologized to each other and resumed their fellowship. Afterwards, the two said with deep feeling: “If you do not provide the opportunity to say something, I am afraid that this conflict will be deeper and deeper, the relationship will deteriorate. ” Li Miao Liu Ping Village has a more than 20 meters The wide river hinders the exchanges between the villagers on both sides of the Strait. The villagers asked to build a bridge, but the village committee said the funds were difficult to implement. As time passes, villagers have grievances against cadres, the relationship between cadres and the masses has become increasingly cold, and the working masses in the village have not supported it. “Said things ” system is implemented, the bridging thing put on the agenda. In the village cadres
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