
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:roubaozi320
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1 调查方法 本次调查采取现况普查法,设计《在岗卫生防疫人员花名册》和《在岗卫生防疫人员调查表》,统一填表方法和要求,于1995年11月底完成调查。对调查资料首先进行人工核对,然后进行统计,资料来源可靠。2 结果与分析2·1 基本情况 海南农垦总局是一个拥有100多万人口的大型企业,土地总面积8546平方公里。现有总局卫生防疫站10个,农场防疫站17个,农场防疫组74个。目前全垦区拥有卫生技术人员10588人,其中卫生防疫人员390人,占全部卫生人员的3.7%。在卫生防疫人员中,总局防疫站49人,农场防疫站93人, 1 Survey Method The survey adopts the current status survey method, and designs the “In-service Health and Quarantine Officer Roster” and the “Survey of Health and Quarantine Practitioners on the Post”, and the methods and requirements for uniform questionnaire filling are completed. The investigation was completed at the end of November 1995. The survey data were first checked manually and then counted. The sources were reliable. 2 Results and Analysis 2.1 Basic Information Hainan Land Reclamation Bureau is a large-scale enterprise with a population of more than 1 million. The total land area is 8,546 square kilometers. There are 10 health and epidemic prevention stations in the General Administration of Administration, 17 farm epidemic prevention stations, and 74 farm prevention teams. At present, there are 10,588 health technicians in the entire district, including 390 health and anti-epidemic personnel, accounting for 3.7% of all health workers. Among the health and epidemic prevention personnel, 49 were from the General Bureau and 93 were from the farm epidemic prevention station.
新年伊始,广东省初保委汇集精兵强将于元月18日至20日对国家和省城市初级卫生保健试点单位 广州市越秀区进行了省市联合审评。审评结果,越秀区以10项评价指标总分91.57的高
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音乐课需要我们从教学环节、教学方式、教学重点、教学目标等激发学生课堂学习兴趣,让学生在快乐的音乐课堂中感受音乐的美、歌曲的吸引力。成就学生在自在课堂中享受学习的乐趣,感受快乐的学习氛围。真正体现音乐学科的魅力、展现音乐学科的独特性。  【关键词】自在课堂;在成长;音乐课堂  自在,就是内心得意、舒适、开心、顺畅。自在学习,是一种态度,学习是一种生活方式,学习是快乐而充满挑战的。自在课堂,就是心情轻
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我市在实施初级卫生保健(简称初保)工作中,总结了以往的工作经验,确立了以乡(街)为单位,实行“典型示范、分类指导”的工作方法,全面推动了初保工作的快速发展。1 以乡(街)