For J.DRT, the chairman of the private industrial empire named after him, nothing is as delightful as the way he led the Indian economy since he criticized independence for 33 years. This is not because he opposes Nehru and some kind of socialism selected by the parliament since the 1950s to fight poverty and economic backwardness. However, he regretted the inefficiency of state intervention and the material damage it caused. He likes to repeat: “Limiting private initiative did not reduce poverty, did not reduce inequality, nor did it reduce regional imbalances.” India obsessed with planning under the Soviet model displeased him. Answering this famous industrialist is easy: the private sector has benefited greatly from the country’s massive investment in power, steel, transport, telecommunications and other sectors for three decades. In many cases, the private sector will not be opportunistic because of a lack of adequate funding (Tata also agrees) and not being able to profit quite quickly. The reason for the relatively high rate of industrial growth lies in this (annual growth rate of 5.2% during 1950-1977).