广州市荔湾中学 以学生社团活动促进学校特色发展

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学生社团作为学生综合素质培养的一个重要载体,在推进新课程改革、繁荣校园文化等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。广州市荔湾中学在推进新课程改革中重视开展学生社团活动,力求通过建设学生社团文化,充分挖掘学生的内在潜力,发展学生的特长,凸显“以活动促进学生自主学习,促进学生综合素质的提高”的办学特色。近年来,该校原有的天文社、跆拳道社、毽球社、城市服务“志愿军”等学生社团日趋成熟,并取得了一些成绩。如:跆拳道社的社员荣获广州市跆拳道中小学生锦标赛个人赛季军、荔湾区跆拳道中小学生锦标赛个人赛亚军、团体赛季军;毽球社的健儿夺得2013年荔湾区中学生毽球比赛男女子冠军等等。2013学年,该校继续加大学生社团建设力度。一方面通过多种宣传渠道,号召和发动学生自发组建健康的学生社团,另一方面制定了 As an important carrier for the development of students' overall quality, student societies play an irreplaceable role in advancing new curriculum reform, prospering campus culture, and so on. Liwan Middle School in Guangzhou City has paid great attention to carrying out student club activities in promoting new curriculum reforms, striving to build students’ community culture, fully tapping students’ internal potential, and developing students’ specialty, highlighting “to promote student self-study through activities and to promote the overall quality of students”. Improve " school characteristics. In recent years, the student societies of the school’s original Astronomical Society, Taekwondo Club, Ryukyu Club, and City Services’ Volunteer Army have become more mature and have achieved some results. For instance, the members of Taekwondo Club won the Individual Taekwondo Championships in the Taekwondo Chinese Primary and Secondary School Championships in Guangzhou, the individual runners-up of the Taekwondo Elementary and Middle School Students Championships in the Liwan District, and the teams in the season; the athletes of the Ryukyu Club won the male and female championships in the 2013 Middle School Student's Shuttlecock Competition in the Liwan District. Wait. In the 2013 academic year, the university continued to increase the construction of college student organizations. On the one hand, through a variety of publicity channels, call and mobilize students to spontaneously establish healthy student clubs, and on the other hand, formulate
她是一位共和国将军的夫人她是一位集温、良、恭、俭诸美德于一身的传统东方女性她更是一位抚育了六个孤儿的伟大母亲 She is the wife of a Republican general She is a t
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