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流动水泵具有体积小.重量轻,使用移动方便,不怕水淹以及价格便宜等优点.当前,正值天气干旱季节,水稻生长急需用水,如流动水泵使用不当,容易造成人身触电事故.1 安装和使用前的安全检查1.1 使用前应将流动水泵送当地乡(镇)电管站检查,用500V兆欧表摇测绝缘情况,其绝缘水平不应小于0.5MΩ.如有缺陷,必须修复后才能使用.1.2 使用的导线应用电缆线,并检查有否破损,如有破损应用热胶补好,井用兆欧表测试合格、绝不能用绝缘胶布包扎后抛在水田中,造成漏电现象而发生事故.如安装时急需加接电缆,接头处一时无法用热胶补,应用绝缘胶布包扎后,作出明显标志架空后使用.1.3 禁止挂钩线用电,禁止带电接流动水泵电源.使用时,先接好流动水泵侧,放好电缆后方可接电.停用时,先断开电源,方可收电缆线及拆机.1.4 流动水泵必须配备相应的漏电保护器作为单机保护,并检查试跳按钮动作是否正常.漏电保护器应安装在电缆线的电源端,垂直挂在电杆上.1.5 流动水泵应有可靠的保护接地措施.电动机的 Mobile pump with small size, light weight, easy to use mobile, not afraid of flooding and the advantages of cheap price, etc. At present, positive weather during the dry season, the urgent need for water for rice growth, such as the use of mobile pumps improper use, likely to cause personal electric shock .1 installation and Pre-use safety inspection 1.1 Before using the mobile water pump should be sent to the local township (town) power station inspection, with 500V megger insulation measured, the insulation level of not less than 0.5MΩ. If defective, must be repaired before Use 1.2.1 The wire used in the cable, and check for damage, such as damage to the application of hot glue to make good, well test with megger passed, must not be wrapped with insulating tape thrown in the paddy field, resulting in leakage phenomenon occurred Accident. If the installation is urgent need to add the cable, the connector at the moment can not be used with hot glue, after the application of insulating tape banding, make obvious signs overhead after use .1.3 prohibit the hook line power supply, charging is not allowed to connect the flow of water pump power. Connect the mobile pump side, put the cable before receiving power. Discontinued, the first disconnect the power supply before receiving the cable and disassemble .1.4 flow pump must be equipped with the corresponding leakage protection as a stand-alone protection, Check jump button operation is normal. Leakage protection should be installed between the supply end of the cable, hung on a vertical pole .1.5 pump flow should be reliable grounding protection. Motor
一、申诉人的范围   民事诉讼法第一百七十八条规定了“当事人”有权向人民法院申请再审,但对于哪些人可以请求检察机关就生效裁判提起抗诉,民事诉讼法和有关司法解释均未予
通过研制为金属煤仓闸门配套使用的DYS299-25/20×630电液移动器及蓄能器系统,介绍了电液移动器作为新型动力装置的特点、结构、工作原理及其广泛用途。 Through the development of the DYS