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继中国科协和四川省科协第四次代表大会的胜利召开,四川省营养学会第四次学术年会暨第一届第二次理事会于10月13~16日在重庆市第三军医大学举行。出席会议的代表共计157人,会议共收到论文114篇,专题报告6篇。会议由四川省营养学会副理事长,杨家驹教授主持。理事长彭恕生教授致开幕词,大会收到了中国营养学会理事长顾景范发来的贺电。14日晚召开了学会第二次理事会。这次大会交流文章内容丰富,既有营养方面的内容,也有食品卫生监督方面的论述,有妇幼卫生、老年营养,也有特殊人群营养、营养状况调查,动物实验研究以及有关食品卫生监督执法方面的文章。参加这次会议的代表既有大专院校、研完单位的代表,也有基层第一线从事营养和食品卫生监督的同志,以及临床营养工作者。在会议期间既交流了学术又结交了朋友、增进了对各自工作的了解。与会代表一致反映会议开得紧凑,活跃、学术气分浓厚。是一次成功的会议。重庆市人民政府、市卫生局、预防医学会、生理科学会及第三军医大学对会议给予了大力支持和指导。 Following the victory of the Fourth Congress of the China Association for Science and Technology and the Sichuan Provincial Association for Science and Technology, the Fourth Academic Annual Meeting of the Sichuan Nutrition Society and the Second Session of the First Council was held at the Third Military Medical College of Chongqing from October 13th to 16th. University held. A total of 157 representatives attended the meeting. The conference received a total of 114 papers and 6 special reports. The meeting was chaired by Prof. Yang Jiaxuan, Vice Chairman of Sichuan Nutrition Society. Prof. Peng Shusheng, Chairman of the Board of Directors, made an opening statement and the conference received a congratulatory letter from Gu Jingfan, Director of the China Nutrition Society. The second meeting of the Institute was held on the evening of the 14th. The conference exchanges are rich in content, both in terms of nutrition and food hygiene supervision. There are maternal and child hygiene, elderly nutrition, there are also special population nutrition and nutritional status surveys, animal experiments and related food hygiene supervision and law enforcement. article. Representatives attending the conference included representatives from colleges and universities, research units, and grassroots comrades engaged in nutrition and food hygiene supervision, as well as clinical nutritionists. During the meeting, both academics and friends were made and their understanding of their work was enhanced. Participants in the meeting unanimously reflected that the meeting was a compact, active and academic atmosphere. It is a successful meeting. Chongqing Municipal People’s Government, Municipal Health Bureau, Preventive Medicine Association, Physiological Science Association and Third Military Medical University gave great support and guidance to the conference.
为了使我站各项工作的开展做到事前有规划、执行有检查、结束有总结、及时的进行考核、奖勤罚懒、奖优罚劣、从1981年起、我们分别制订了一系列考核制度,其具体做法是: 1、
应用分光光度法,经硫酸-苯酚显色,于490mm处测定吸收度测定了酸枣仁中多糖的含量。同一产地不同年份采集的三份样品含量分别为0.7185%,0.7519%和0.7856%. The content of polysaccharides in Semen zizyphus
中国的人口老龄化是在“未富先老”的情况下出现的 ,因此这种非自然转型的养老问题 ,不论对个人、家庭 ,还是社会、国家 ,都显得尤为重要。本文试从社会成员个人角度出发 ,探
我县是全省严重血吸虫病流行区之一,历史上,有螺面积达5.6万亩,患者 1.4万余人。经过20多年艰苦奋斗,于1977年经省政府考核验收,率先达到“基本消灭血吸虫病”的县份。有螺