
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zj149099548
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软骨瘤于喉部罕见,故对其早期诊断、手术治疗等了解不多。本文将讨论软骨瘤中的一种类型:环状软骨肉瘤的诊断与保守的手术,并附一病例报告。喉软骨肉瘤通常是低度恶性肿瘤,放射和化疗一般无效,故治疗仅限于手术切除。自1816年至1979年文献报告喉软骨瘤约200例,其中20%为软骨肉瘤,平均年龄为58岁,男多于女。临床表现为:喉腔内缓慢生长的肿块、声嘶、呼吸和咽下困难,这些症状均与肿块的大小和位置有关。喉软骨肉瘤好发于环状软骨;通常起源于其中的透明软骨层而无弹力组织。临床诊断则依据病史、体检、X线和活组织检查,喉部软组织X线片或硒片可见肿瘤的轮廓,约75%可见到钙化 Cartilage is rare in the throat, so little is known about its early diagnosis and surgical treatment. This article will discuss one type of chondroma: the diagnosis and conservative operation of the cricoid chondrosarcoma with a case report. Laryngeal cartilage sarcoma is usually a low-grade cancer, radiation and chemotherapy are generally ineffective, so treatment is limited to surgical resection. From the year of 1616 to 1979, about 200 cases of laryngeal cartilage were reported, of which 20% were chondrosarcomas, and the average age was 58 years old. Men were more than women. The clinical manifestations are: slowly growing masses in the throat, hoarseness, breathing, and difficulty swallowing. These symptoms are related to the size and location of the mass. Laryngeal cartilage sarcoma occurs predominantly in cricoid cartilage; it usually originates in the hyaline cartilage layer without elastic tissue. The clinical diagnosis is based on medical history, physical examination, X-ray and biopsy, the contour of the tumor seen on the soft tissue of the laryngeal X-ray or selenium, about 75% of the calcification can be seen
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她是它们的主人,而它们是她日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,她们成为了彼此的最佳拍档。 She is their masters, and they are an integral part of her daily life, they beco