中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会 中华人民共和国商务部 中华人民共和国财政部公告 2006年 第38号

来源 :中国对外经济贸易文告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hmilymemo
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鉴于本榨季食糖减产,为保证食糖消费旺季市场供应,糖价稳定,国家发展改革委、商务部、财政部决定,近期再投放部分国家储备糖和进口古巴糖。现将有关事项公告如下:一、投放数量、品种、时间。投放数量为55.2万吨,品种为白砂糖。国家储备糖具体投放时间初步安排为:6月27日、7月18日、8月15日、9月12日,每次投放9.2万吨。进口古巴糖(从第七船开始)到港后加工投放市场,根据糖船到港时间在网上发布竞卖通知,确定具体投放时间,每次投放数量按照当次船到货量 In view of the reduction in sugar production during the crop season, and in order to ensure the sugar supply during the peak season of sugar consumption, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance decided to put in some parts of the country’s reserve sugar and imported Cuban sugar in the near future. The relevant issues are now announced as follows: First, the number, type, and time of launch. The number of shipments was 552,000 tons and the type was white granulated sugar. The initial schedule for the state’s reserve sugar delivery was: June 27, July 18, August 15 and September 12. Each time, 92,000 tons were put into operation. After importing Cuban sugar (starting from the seventh ship) to the port, it will be processed and put on the market. According to the date of arrival of the sugarboat, it will publish a bidding notice on the Internet and determine the specific launch time. Each shipment will be based on the arrival of the ship.
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