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贝克汉姆是年轻一代球星中最优秀的选手之一,虽然巴西中场德尼尔森有“盘球王”的美誉,但在力量和速度上都稍逊于贝克汉姆,所以只有贝克汉姆才是未来十年里最优秀的中场灵魂。大卫·贝克汉姆,生于1975年5月2日的伦敦。少年时曾在博比·查尔顿办的足球学校学习,14岁入选曼联少年队,16岁即签约成为曼联队的职业球员,在曼联队的学习锻炼中,贝克汉姆吸收了很多队中优秀球员的长处和特点,这为他后来在队中的优异表现打下基础。1995年4月贝克汉姆首次代表曼联出战利兹联队,正式开始了他的职业生涯,虽然当时的曼联队完全被坎通纳的星光所掩盖,但年仅19岁的贝克汉姆还是给人们留下了深刻印象,队友吉格斯的评价可以说明这一点:“大卫的作用不仅仅在于远距离的射门得分,更在于他在中场的组织作用,他是个出色的组织者,总能传出高质量的球。”而《射门》杂志也给予贝克汉姆极高评价。“当贝克汉姆在右路的时候他就能影响比赛,所以当他真正成熟以后,他将成为俱乐部和国家队的关键人物,将成为法国世界杯上耀眼的新星。”优异的表现加上英俊的外表,使 Beckham is one of the best players in the younger generation, although the Brazilian midfielder Denilson has the reputation of “Panzhu Wang”, but both in terms of strength and speed are slightly less than Beckham, so only Beckham Mum is the best midfielder in the next decade. David Beckham, born in London on May 2, 1975. Teenager studied at Bobby Charlton’s soccer school, at the age of 14 in the Manchester United Junior, signed at 16 to become a professional player at Manchester United, Beckham absorbed a lot of team training in the team’s training The strengths and characteristics of good players lay the groundwork for his later excellent performance in the team. Beckham in April 1995 for the first time on behalf of Manchester United played Leeds United, officially began his career, although the Manchester United team was completely covered by Cantona’s starlight, but only 19-year-old Beckham still give people Impressed by his teammate Ryan Giggs: “David’s role is not just about shooting from long distances, but also about his organizational role in midfield, and he’s a great organizer. Can deliver high-quality balls. ”“ Shooting ”magazine also gave Beckham spoke highly of. “When David Beckham is on the right, he can influence the game, so when he’s really mature he’s going to be a key figure for the club and the national team and will be a dazzling star in the French World Cup.” "Excellent performance plus On the handsome appearance, so
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