Long-Term Impact of Soil Management on Microbial Biomass C, N and P in Rice-Based Cropping System

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seracn
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A 12-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different tillage methods and fertil- ization systems on microbial biomass C, N and P of a gray fluvo-aguic soil in rice-based cropping system. Five fertilization treatments were designed under conventional tillage (CT) or no tillage (NT) system: no fertilizer (CK); chemical fertilizer only (CF); combining chemical fertilizer with pig manure (PM); combining chemical fertilizer with crop straw (CS) and fallow (F). The results showed that biomass C, N and P were enriched in the surface layer of no-tilled soil, whereas they distributed relatively evenly in the tilled soil, which might result from enrichment of crop residue, organic manure and mineral fertilizer, and surficial development of root systems under NT. Under the cultivation system, NT had slightly greater biomass C, N and P at 0~5 cm depth, significantly less biomass C, N and P at 5~15 cm depth, less microbial biomass C, N and equivalent biomass P at 15 ~30 cm depth as compared to CT, indicating that tillage was beneficial for the multiplica tion of organisms in the plowed layer of soil. Under the fallow system, biomass C, N and P in the surface layer were significantly greater for NT than CT while their differences between the two tillage methods were negligible in the deeper layers. In the surface layer, biomass C, N and P in the soils amended with organic manure combined with mineral fertilizers were significantly greater than those of the treatments only with mineral fertilizers and the control. Soils without fertilizer had the least biomass nutrient contents among the five fertilization treatments. Obviously, the long-term application of organic manure could maintain the higher activity of microorganisms in soils. The amounts of biomass C, N and P in the fallowed soils varied with the tillage methods; they were much greater under NT than under CT, especially in the surface layer, suggesting that the frequent plowing could decrease the content of organic matter in the surface layer of the fallowed soil. A 12-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different tillage methods and fertilize systems on microbial biomass C, N and P of a gray fluvo-aguic soil in rice-based cropping system. Combining chemical fertilizer with crop manure (PM); Combining chemical fertilizer with crop straw (CS) and fallow (F); tillage (CT) or no tillage (NT) system: no fertilizer (CK); The results showed that biomass C, N and P were enriched in the surface layer of no-tilled soil, where they distributed relatively evenly in the tilled soil, which might result from enrichment of crop residue, organic manure and mineral fertilizer, and surficial development Under root systems under NT. Under the cultivation system, NT had slightly greater biomass C, N and P at 0 ~ 5 cm depth, significantly less biomass C, N and P at 5 ~ 15 cm depth, less microbial biomass C, N and P at 0 ~ equivalent biomass P at 15 30 cm depth as compared to CT, indicating that tillage was beneficial for the multiplication of organisms in the plowed layer of soil. Under the fallow system, biomass C, N and P in the surface layer were significantly greater for NT than CT while differences between the two tillage methods were negligible in the deeper layers. biomass on the surface layer, biomass C, N and P in the soils amended with organic manure combined with mineral fertilizers were significantly greater than those of the treatments only with mineral fertilizers and the control Obviously, the long-term application of organic manure could maintain the higher activity of microorganisms in soils. The amounts of biomass C, N and P in the fallowed soils varied with the tillage methods; they were much greater under NT than under CT, especially in the surface layer, suggesting that the frequent plowing could decrea se thecontent of organic matter in the surface layer of the fallowed soil.
本文介绍了光束诱导电流法(OBIC)及其在高压平面结方面的应用。对有圆柱形边界的p~+n二极管进行了测量。测量结果说明了在表面有正、负电荷存在时OBIC信号的响应。 本文指出,
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