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“唉!”每次打开天天的家园联系册,我就忍不住一声长叹!天天是个调皮的男孩,集体活动时总游离在外,手脚还难免在其他小朋友身上“招呼”。开学不久,我如实在联系册上反映了天天的攻击性行为,希望家长配合教育。谁知得到的却是家长的投诉,说我对孩子有偏见,把孩子之间的正常纠纷上升到不正常行为,给孩子的成长带来了负面影响。我通过好几次家访,才让家长脸上重新有了笑容。此后,写天天的家园联系册,就成了我最头疼的事情。想想这家园联系册,还真有几分吃力不讨好。第一,问题不能谈,否则家长会产生排斥心理;可一味地报喜不报忧,家长可能会盲目提高对孩子的期望值,一旦出现问题又会责怪老师。第二,光讲孩子的行为也不行,还得有行为背后的心理分析,否则家长照样会埋怨老师缺乏指导。第三,有的联系册上不管老师写多写少,写好与不好,永远没有家长的落笔,就算是询问事项也没有回音,一问,“忘记看了!”可要说不写吧,还真有几位家长念叨着。毕竟现在家长大多工作忙,来去匆匆,只有这家园联系册能让他们平心静气地看看老师的教育意见,写点自己的教育想法。唉,这传统的两周一次的家园联系册啊,真是写之寡味,弃之可惜!——摘自一位教师的教养笔记 “Oh!” Every time I open my hometown contact book, I can not help but sigh! Every day is a naughty boy, the total activities of the collective activities outside the hands and feet will inevitably “greeted” on other children. Shortly after the commencement of the school, I truthfully reflected in the contact book daily offensive behavior, I hope parents with education. Whoever knows what they get is a parent’s complaint that I am biased against my child and raised the normal dispute between children to abnormal behavior that has a negative impact on my child’s growth. After several home visits, I made my parents smile again. Since then, write every day home contact book, it became my most troublesome thing. Think about this home contact book, really a bit thankless. First, the problem can not be talked about, or parents will have exclusionary psychology; blindly do not complain about worry, parents may blindly raise their expectations of children, once the problem will blame the teacher. Second, the act of speaking about children does not work. There must be psychological analysis behind the behavior, otherwise, parents will complain that the teacher lacks guidance. Third, some of the contact books, regardless of whether the teacher writes more and writes less, is poorly written or not, never has the pen to write down. Even if there is no response to the question, he asked, “Forget it!” There are really a few parents talking about. After all, most parents are busy with their work nowadays and come and gone. Only this home-contact book will allow them to look calmly at their teacher’s education opinions and write down their own educational thoughts. Alas, this traditional bi-weekly home contact book ah, really write the oligarchy, to abandon a pity! - Excerpt from a teacher’s recuperation notes
我喜欢看书,还创造了一种记读书笔记的方法。当我看到好词佳句的时候,我就用波浪线把它画出来,旁边再画个五角星或者一朵花,准备以后抄写到我的词语积累本 I like reading b
灯光璀璨、人头攒动。在美国纽约时代广场Marriott Marquis酒店中,由美国国家创业指导基金会(NFTE)举办的2010年度全球青年创业精神大奖颁奖典礼正在进行中。在满满当当“塞
Hello!Nice to meet you!I am“be”.大家好,我是“be”。汉语意思是“是”。我有三种形式,分别是“am,is,are”。虽然都表示“是”的意思,可是用哪种形式是有严格要求的。下