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玻璃纤维尘肺读片会于1983年12月3~5日在天津召开,参加读片会的有江西、河南、天津等地区的代表51人。会上九江市卫生防疫站的代表报告了“玻璃纤维尘肺研究工作小结”,重点介绍了玻璃纤维作业工人胸片的初步诊断意见,以及对玻璃纤维尘肺诊断标准的初步参考意见,认为Ⅰ期玻璃纤维尘肺表现是:肺门改变不明显,但可见有不同程度的扩大、模糊、以及结构紊乱,肺纹理增多、增租、扭曲变形,分枝细密、延伸较远,且有网织影的形成,两肺可见散在细小斑点。可疑玻璃纤维尘肺除斑点数量较少外,其它改变亦不如Ⅰ期显著。洛阳市职业病防治所、洛阳玻璃厂职工医院报告了玻璃纤维尘对工人肺部损害的初步探讨”,分别就玻璃纤维尘作业工人胸部的X线异常改变作了初步分析,认为肺部X线的显著异常改变为条状纹理的中断与扭曲,出现网织影,视野透明度降低,少数病例有 Glass fiber pneumoconiosis reading will be held December 3 to 5, 1983 in Tianjin, to participate in the reading session of Jiangxi, Henan, Tianjin and other regions of the 51 representatives. At the meeting, Jiujiang Health and Epidemic Prevention Station representatives reported “Summary of Research Work on Glass Fiber Pneumoconiosis”, mainly introduced preliminary diagnosis opinions of glass fiber workers’ chest X-ray and preliminary reference opinion on diagnostic criteria of glass fiber pneumoconiosis. Fiber pneumoconiosis performance is: hilar changes are not obvious, but there are varying degrees of expansion, blur, and structural disorders, increased lung texture, increased rent, distorted, branched subtle, extended, and the formation of reticular shadow , Two lungs scattered scattered spots. Suspected glass fiber pneumoconiosis in addition to fewer spots, the other changes are not as significant as Ⅰ. Luoyang City, Occupational Disease Prevention and Control, Luoyang Glass Factory Workers Hospital reported a preliminary study of glass fiber dust damage to workers’ lungs, respectively, on the glass fiber dust workers chest X-ray abnormal changes made a preliminary analysis that the pulmonary X-ray Significant abnormal changes to the strip of the interruption and distortion of the texture, there reticular shadow, visual field transparency decreased, a few cases have
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