A comparative study of natural and experimental nano-sized grinding grain textures in rocks

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ericxinstar
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In three shallow-level fault systems in eastern China, nano-sized (30―100 nm) grinding grain textures are found in the thin-shelled rheological layer representing frictional-viscous high strain field. The surface layer near slipping plane is composed of stacks of grinding grains with high sphericity and uniform nano-sized diameter, while the underlying layer appears as a mixture of irregular ones with diverse diameters. Rock deformation experiments indicate that the grinding grain texture is a common phenomenon in shearing fractures, suggesting a potential transition from sliding friction to rolling one during the rock deformation process. This transition is crucial for many tribological processes in geo- logical fields. In three shallow-level fault systems in eastern China, nano-sized (30-100 nm) grinding grain textures are found in the thin-shelled rheological layer representing frictional-viscous high strain field. The surface layer near slipping plane is composed of stacks of grinding grains with high sphericity and uniform nano-sized diameter, while the underlying layer appears as a mixture of irregular ones with diverse diameters sliding friction to rolling one during the rock deformation process. This transition is crucial for many tribological processes in geo- logical fields.
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