Genetic analysis of biomass and photosynthetic parameters in wheat grown in different light intensit

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:josenhu
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Growth light intensities largely determine photosynthesis, biomass, and grain yield of cereal crops. To explore the genetic basis of light responses of biomass and Researchphotosynthetic parameters in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.),a quantitative trait locus(QTL) analysis was carried out in a doubled haploid(DH) population grown in low light(LL),medium light(ML), and high light(HL), respectively. The results showed that the wheat seedlings grown in HL produced more biomass with lower total chlorophyll content(Chl), carotenoid content, and maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II(Fv/Fm) while the wheat seedlings grown in LL produced less biomass with higher Chl compared with those grown in ML. In total, 48 QTLs were identified to be associated with the investigated parameters in relation to growth light intensities. These QTLs were mapped to 15 chromosomes which individually explained6.3%–36.0% of the phenotypic variance, of which chromo-somes 3A, 1D, and 6B were specifically involved in LL response, 5D and 7A specifically involved in ML response,and 4B specifically involved in HL response. Several light-responsive QTLs were co-located with QTLs for photosynthetic parameters, biomass, and grain weight under various conditions which may provide new hints to uncover the genetic control of photosynthesis, biomass, and grain weight. To explore the genetic basis of light responses of biomass and Researchphotosynthetic parameters in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was carried out in a double haploid (DH) population grown in low light (LL), medium light (ML), and high light (HL), respectively. The results was that the wheat seedlings grown in HL produced more biomass with lower total chlorophyll content (Chl ), carotenoid content, and maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv / Fm) while the wheat seedlings grown in LL produced less biomass with higher Chl compared with those grown in ML. In total, 48 QTLs were identified to be associated with the investigated These QTLs were mapped to 15 chromosomes which individually explained 6.3% -36.0% of the phenotypic variance, of which chromo-somes 3A, 1D, and 6B were specifically i nvolved in LL response, 5D and 7A specifically involved in ML response, and 4B specifically involved in HL response. Several light-responsive QTLs were co-located with QTLs for photosynthetic parameters, biomass, and grain weight under various conditions which may provide new hints to uncover the genetic control of photosynthesis, biomass, and grain weight.
新一轮的英语课程后标准把情感态度列入课程目标之一,并界定为“兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神等影响学生学习过程和学习效果的相关因素以及在学习过程中逐渐形成的祖国意识和国际视野”作为情感教育的重要内容。这对增进学生学习英语的进取心、自信心、保持长久兴趣和提高交往的能力起着极为重要的作用。  一、教师情感因素及其在英语教学中的作用  教师的语言、声调、节奏、表情等在英语教学中运用得自然得体,能引起学生
摘 要:有效教学突显了新课程改革背景下所倡导的全新的教育理念,它力求教与学的和谐统一。本文从教师和学生,课前,课堂,课后等几方面探讨中学英语教学的有效性。   关键词:新课程, 中学英语,有效教学 备课 预习 课堂监控 反思   背景:目前的中学英语课堂教学的现状,那就是:教师很辛苦,学生很痛苦,然而我们的学生却没有得到应有的发展.这是我们每个英语教师必须值得深思的一个问题,这就要求我们的教师
摘 要:英语作为世界第一大语言,在全世界范围内应用广泛。英语学习在我国越来越普遍,语音作为英语学习的基础,也越来越受到教育者的重视。许多教育者开始探讨如何才能做好语音教学。本文分析了语音教学对英语学习的重要意义,并提出了一些强化七年级英语语音教学的实际措施。  关键词:七年级 英语 语音教学 发音  七年级,作为英语学习的起步阶段,对于即将学习英语的学生来说是一个很重要的阶段。英语学习在我
摘 要:新课程强调:教学过程是师生互动,生生互动的过程。新人教版高中英语,具有很强的实践性与交际性,它为互动式英语课堂模式构建带来了方便。教学双边活动运用得是否成功关系着教学效果的好坏。因此,课堂上,教师要通过组织有效互动的教学活动来实现师生互动,生生互动,创设共同发展的和谐教学环境。文章结合高中英语学科特点和本人多年的教学实践,谈几点高中英语互动式教学模式构建的策略,以求抛砖引玉。  关键词:
Photosynthesis in “green” seeds, such as rapeseed,soybean, and Arabidopsis, plays a substantial role in the improved efficiency of oil accumulation. However,