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在长海县的沿岸和养殖筏区绵鳚资源较为丰富,为了开发该资源,开辟小型渔船生产门路,需要对该资源和捕捞渔具进行研究。 一、绵鳚洄游习性和生物学特点 绵鳚分布于我国的黄、渤、东海,是常见的底层杂食性鱼类,有洄游和集群的习性,也有定居于辽宁沿海。我县沿岸的绵鳚就属于定居冷水性鱼类,每年的12月至翌年的2月在沿岸较深水中的礁区洞穴和养殖筏区下的沉淤绳吊中越冬,3—6月游回沿岸进行索饵产卵。有顺潮水游动的习性,7月以后游向深水,9—11月在较深水中可捕捞到幼绵鳚。绵鳚的成鱼体长一般在300mm左右,其头部最粗部分的周长大于120mm,体重在300—400g之间,大者超过500g。鱼体延长,似鳗状,鱼鳞细小,鱼体表面粘而光滑。 In Changhai County, there are abundant resources for cotton production in coastal and farmed raft areas. In order to develop this resource and open up small-scale fishing vessel production routes, it is necessary to study this resource and fishing gear. First, Morax 鳚 migration habits and biological characteristics Mian 鳚 distribution in China’s Yellow, Bohai Sea, is the common bottom of omnivorous fish, migratory and cluster habits, but also settled in the coast of Liaoning. Scallops on the coast of the county belong to the settlement of cold water fish, from December to the following year in February each year in the deeper waters of the reef caves and sediment under the sodden hanging sling hanging winter, March to June tour Back to the shore for bait spawning. Have the habit of swimming along the tide, after July swim to the deep water, September-November in the deeper water can be caught juveniles. Cotton 鳚 adult fish body length is generally about 300mm, the head of the thickest part of the circumference of more than 120mm, weighing 300-400g, the larger than 500g. Extended fish, like eel-like, small fish scales, fish surface sticky and smooth.
多年以来 ,高考作文一直与诗歌“绝缘”。本来读诗写诗是最能体现语文学科特点的 ,也最能表现十七八岁的中学生如诗如幻的年龄特征 ,但我们历年的高考作文偏偏来个“诗歌除外
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鱼类的抗病力包括各种机制,有外表皮屏障(epithelial barriers)及黏液层(mucus Disease resistance of fish includes various mechanisms, including epithelial barriers
〔考点说明〕“根据文章内容进行推断和想象”是第一次明确写进考试说明的能力点。这一能力测试点的增加是有其合理性的。一是从创作者的角度来说 ,任何一篇文章都不可能把想
2009年6月25日,中国作协公布新会员名单,金庸赫然在列。这似乎传递了一个信息,即主流体制对以武侠小说为代表的通俗文学的正式认可。长期以来,作协会员的头衔是对一个作家水准和地位的认可。  更深刻的背景,则要从武侠小说的内涵特色和历史命运说起。人们称赞金庸说:“凡是有中国人的地方,都有人知道他的名字。”到今天,武侠已经成了一个尽人皆知的存在。而中国作协30年前就对武侠敞开了门户。1979年,梁羽生