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著名台籍爱国政治活动家、台湾民主自治同盟中央名誉主席、中国人民政治协商会议第八届全国委员会委员、中国共产党优秀党员苏子蘅,因病于1996年5月31日在北京逝世,享年90岁。 苏子蘅先生1905年10月1日生于台湾彰化市。1919年赴日本求学,1927年考入仙台日本东北帝国大学工学院应用化学系。 1945年日本投降后,苏子蘅进入华北解放区从事科研工作。1952年10月调中国科学院,历任计划局数理化组组长、化学研究所研究员、感光研究所研究员,为新中国化学研究事业做出了卓越贡献。 苏子蘅1949年6月在大连参加台湾民主自治同盟,负责筹建台盟旅大特别支部并任副主委。调京后,历任台盟总部理事、常务理事、副主席、主席。苏子蘅是第一、二届北京市政协委员,第三至第八届全国政协委员,第四、五、六、七届全国政协常委。 苏子蘅坚决拥护“一国两制”和平统一祖国的方针。他通过接待、出访、探亲、拜友等一切机会耐心地进行深入细致的工作,广泛团结海内外台胞,帮助他们增进对祖国的了解,增进祖国统一的共识。在临终前一再表示,他最大的愿望,就是能看到海峡两岸和平统一。 苏子蘅的一生,是爱国的一生,革命的一生,为祖国统一大业奋斗的一生。 苏子蘅先生的逝世,使我们不胜悲痛。谨以本刊顾问何标先生(张光正)此文,表达本 Famous Taiwanese patriotic political activist, honorary chairman of the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League, member of the Eighth National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and outstanding member of the Chinese Communist Party Su Zujuan, died of illness in Beijing on May 31, 1996, at the age of 90 . Mr. Su Ziwan was born on October 1, 1905 in Changhua City, Taiwan. 1919 went to Japan to study, in 1927 admitted to the Sendai Japan Imperial College of Technology Department of Applied Chemistry. After Japan surrendered in 1945, Su Zizhu entered the Liberated Areas of North China for scientific research. October 1952 transferred to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, former Planning Bureau number of physics and chemistry group leader, researcher at the Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Photonics researcher for the new China chemical research has made outstanding contributions to the cause. In June 1949, Su Ziwan took part in the Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League in Dalian and was responsible for establishing a special branch of the Taiwan Affairs Office of LTA and serving as the vice chairman. After his transfer to Beijing, he served successively as a director, a standing director, a vice chairman and a chairman of the headquarters of NTU. Su Zi is the first and second members of CPPCC Beijing Municipal Committee, the third to the Eighth CPPCC National Committee, the fourth, five, six, seven CPPCC Standing Committee. Susukuni resolutely supports the principle of “one country, two systems” for the peaceful reunification of the motherland. Through patiently conducting intensive and meticulous work on reception, visiting, visiting relatives and friends, he and his compatriots extensively and meticulously unite with compatriots at home and abroad to help them enhance their understanding of the motherland and increase their consensus on promoting the reunification of the motherland. He repeatedly said before his death that his greatest wish is to see the peaceful unification of both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The life of Su Zizhu is the life of a patriotic revolution, a revolution, and a struggle for the reunification of the motherland. The death of Mr. Su Zizhi, so that we grieved. With this article consultant Mr. He Biao (Zhang Guangzheng) this article, express this
由全国无损检测学会涡流专业委员会组织、郑州工业大学承办的 2 0 0 0年全国电磁 (涡流 )无损检测学术会议于 2 0 0 0年 1 1月 1 8~ 2 0日在河南省郑州市召开。来自高校、航空
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本研究用咖啡酸、阿魏酸和CA-1201 对ET-1 生物效应的拮抗作用进行了探讨。结果表明:1.咖啡酸、阿魏酸和CA-1201 在0.1~100 m g/kg 剂量范围内,对ET-1 引起的小鼠死亡有明显的保护作用,该作用存在剂量依赖性;2.三种药物
目的观察贝那普利、阿托伐他汀钙联合疗法在糖尿病肾病中的治疗效果,并对联合疗法临床应用价值进行分析。方法 90例糖尿病肾病患者根据意愿分为观察组与对照组,各45例。观察