办好合作医疗 促进初级卫生保健

来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhz_8512
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我市位于鄂东南,濒临长江,全市有65万人口,其中农业人口54万。全市设有12个乡镇、4个办事处、一个国营农场。下设325个村。发展农村医疗卫生事业,一直是我市卫生工作的重点。特别是1987年我市被省政府确定为初级卫生保健工作试点市后,我们深入开展卫生改革,从实际出发,坚持以巩固、完善、发展、提高为原则,办好合作医疗,有力的促进了初级卫生保健工作的开展,今年初经省卫生厅组织的初级卫生保健试点县市中期评审的考核,与卫生部制订的初级卫生保健十三项指标对照,我市有八项指标达到或超过部颁标准,有三项接近部颁标准。 Our city is located in southeastern Hubei, near the Yangtze River. The city has 650,000 people, of which the agricultural population is 540,000. The city has 12 townships, 4 offices, and a state-run farm. It consists of 325 villages. The development of rural medical and health services has always been the focus of our city’s health work. In particular, after our city was designated by the provincial government as a pilot city for primary health care work in 1987, we carried out in-depth health reforms, proceeded from reality, and adhered to the principles of consolidation, improvement, development, and improvement, and managed medical services in a good manner. The implementation of primary health care work was evaluated by the mid-term review of the primary health care pilot cities and counties organized by the provincial health department at the beginning of this year, and compared with the 13 indicators of primary health care formulated by the Ministry of Health. There are eight indicators in the city that meet or exceed the Ministry of Health. There are three criteria for awarding standards.
(一) 乡(镇)卫生院是农村三级卫生保健网的枢纽,对于保护广大农民身体的健康起着非常重要的作用。我市是于1958年在乡卫生所的基础上,成立公社卫生院的,1983年撤社并区后,改
Objective: To observe the curative effect of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Qing Yi Tang (QYT, 清胰汤) in acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). Methods: