
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuqinfeng
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我们学校是一所农村小学,从一九八一年起,在县文教局、县科协的领导和帮助下,针对农村小学的特点,组织少年儿童积极开展科技活动,丰富了教学内容,扩大了学生的知识领域,使党的教育方针得到了比较全面的贯彻和落实。农村小学能开展哪些科技活动呢?我们在“面向农村、因地制宜”的思想指导下,主要抓了以下几项活动。一、“农”字当头开展科技活动。我校在农村,开展科技活动要和农业科学普及活动繁密结合起来,并要取得农村各方面的支援。如我们请农技员讲三麦的一生,讲水稻病虫害的防治,参观大队 Our school is a rural primary school. Since 1981, under the leadership and help of the County Culture and Education Bureau and the County Association for Science and Technology, we have organized children and young people to actively carry out scientific and technological activities in accordance with the characteristics of rural primary schools, enriching their teaching contents and expanding The field of knowledge of students, so that the party's education policy has been more fully implemented and implemented. What primary and secondary schools can carry out scientific and technological activities? We are in the “rural areas, in line with local conditions” under the guidance of the idea, the main focus of the following activities. First, “agricultural” word to carry out scientific and technological activities. Our school in rural areas, to carry out scientific and technological activities and agricultural science popularization activities should be closely linked to, and to obtain all aspects of rural support. If we ask the agricultural technicians to talk about the life of Sammai, talk about the prevention and control of rice pests and diseases and visit the brigade
1.PCT申请的手续费大幅下降 国际专利合作联盟(PCT联盟)大会于1997年9月16日至10月1日在日内瓦召开,该会决定,自1998年1月1日起,将PCT的基本申请手续费降低15%,指定手续费降
很久很久以前,小燕子和小麻雀是一对好朋友,他俩一同捉虫吃,一同做游戏,还住在同一间屋子里。一天,小喜鹊气喘吁吁地跑来告诉小燕子和小麻雀: “不好啦!不好啦!鸡大妈往米仓
6月1日,浙江宁波市江东区教育局在宁波儿童乐园举行了庆六一暨宣传《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》活动,检阅全区幼儿园贯彻《纲要》的初步成果。 On June 1, the Education
本文讨论了反射棱镜大角度转动引起的象体变化。用特征方向和象偏转极值轴方向来表示反射棱镜的动态成象特性,为设计扫描、根踪仪器提供了理论基础。 This article discusse