各省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版局,中央、国务院有关部门报纸管理单位: 根据有关规定,报纸的专刊、专版是报纸的组成部分,不得单独征订发行。我署2000年10月30日曾就55家报社搞一报多邮发代号的违规问题进行了通报批评(新出报刊[2000]1481号),2001年7月在报刊将要开始征订时又发了《关于维护报纸正常发行的秩序的通
Press and publication administrations of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the administrative departments of newspapers under the Central Government and relevant departments under the State Council: According to the relevant provisions, the special edition of a newspaper is an integral part of the newspaper and may not be separately subscribed for and issued. On 30 October 2000, our department made a circular on the non-compliance issues of 55 newspapers and one postal code issued by the State Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (New Press [2000] No. 1481). In July 2001, A "pass on the order of maintaining the normal distribution of newspapers