Fair e-payment protocol based on blind signature

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saya1989
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Electronic transaction through e-payment protocol will grow tremendous in the coming years. In this article, by conversely using blind signature, the authors propose a fair electronic payment scheme for electronic commerce, which can ensure two participants’ right simultaneously in electronic transaction process. This scheme is different from other existing schemes and it does not require strong trust relation between customer and merchant. In the scheme, a semi-trusted third party (S-TTP) is involved to provide a fair commerce environment. The S-TTP takes part in the protocol on-line and no secure information about the business is leaked. Moreover, the participants do not need to register to S-TTP. This scheme does not require intervention of a third party in case of dispute, if one user cheats or simply crashes. Electronic transaction through e-payment protocol will grow tremendous in the coming years. In this article, by conversely using blind signature, the authors propose a fair electronic payment scheme for electronic commerce, which can ensure two participants’ right simultaneously in electronic transaction process. This scheme is different from other existing schemes and it does not require strong trust relation between customer and merchant. The scheme, a semi-trusted third party (S-TTP) is involved to provide a fair commerce environment. The S-TTP takes part in the protocol on-line and no secure information about the business is leaked. Moreover, the participants do not need to register to S-TTP. This scheme does not require intervention of a third party in case of dispute, if one user cheats or simply crashes
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