
来源 :新高考(高三英语) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xujungang
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《2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(江苏卷)说明》阅读理解部分的要求是:考生能读懂简易的英语文学作品、科普文章、公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志及各类媒体中关于一般性话题的简短文章并回答相关问题。由此不难看出:科普文章、公告、说明及广告在高考命题的阅读理解部分占有相当的权重,而上述文章类型皆属于说明文体裁,对于即将应考的考生来讲,了解和掌握英语说明文题材的文体特点、说明顺序、说明方法以及常见的命题题型,对有效理解文章语义和正确解答试题就显得相当地重要了。 “2014 General College Entrance Examination National Unified Examination (Jiangsu volume) Description” Reading comprehension part of the requirements are: Candidates can read simple English literature, popular science articles, announcements, descriptions, advertisements and books, newspapers, magazines and various types Short articles about general topics in the media and answering related questions. It is not difficult to see that science articles, announcements, explanations and advertisements occupy a considerable weight in the reading comprehension of the college entrance examination propositions, and the types of articles mentioned above belong to the genre of explanation. For those candidates who are about to sit for exams, they should understand and master the topics of English explanatory materials Stylistic features, description of the order, description of the method and the common types of questions, the effective understanding of the article semantics and correct answer questions is quite important.
孩子至尊  这几天我一直在想,如果我是老师,该如何对待我的学生们,才能使他们达到德智体美劳的最佳发展效果,以不辜负家长、学校、社会的殷切期望?说得准确一些,就是让身为独生子女的学生们从过分被疼爱、溺爱、宠爱的包围中拔出身来,以正常的生命成长姿态应对学习和生活。可是,早已为人父的我,回首自己与妻子共同担负的教育女儿的甘苦历程,恍如昨日。切身的感受是仿佛我时刻都在准备突围,突出被女儿垄断的重重包围。 
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在“中美合作所”的“白公馆”监区,叶挺写下了他那首大义凛然的《囚歌》。“……我渴望自由,/但也深知道——/人的身躯哪能由狗的洞子爬出!/我只能期望着那一天,/地下的火冲腾,/把这活棺材和我一齐烧掉,/我应该在烈火与热血中,/得到永生!”这些诗句,因被编进了教科书,至今广为流传。  但是,绝大多数人却至今不知,在写《囚歌》之前,叶挺还写过一篇最能反映他刚刚遭到扣押时心境的,而且颇带着感情色彩的文字—