王文宗 写真

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我是在’96中国国际服装服饰博览会上结识王文宗先生的。他静静地站在那里,审视着气氛热烈的展览大厅。我和他交换名片,他腼腆地笑笑,简单地寒暄了几句。 王先生经常为记者所追逐,是因为他从台湾来祖国大陆投资,成功经营北京欧迪芬服装有限公司并推出世界名牌“欧迪芬”女士内衣系列,深受消费者喜爱。台湾岛内的一家报纸曾这样评价他:“王文宗是台湾有雄心大志的年轻企业家”,并断言“欧迪芬公司前程似锦”。这种评价是否恰如其分姑且不论,欧迪芬公司独特的企业文化和经营方向以及所取得的成绩确实值得关注。 一个人、一个企业的成长与成功不是偶然的。王先生生长在一个农民的家里,从小就养成了吃苦、耐劳、为人朴实善良的性格,从而奠定了他今日成功的基础。他说:“小时候,祖父对我很严格,刚放下书包,就让我去割草,去田里干活。插秧、锄草、施肥、割稻、牵牛、犁地,农夫做的我都会。”大学纺织科毕业后,他投入成衣制造及买卖行业,学以致用。累积十余年的经验,不仅建立了良好的形象,而且在业界有了声望。 80年代末,由于新台币的不断升值,他在台湾的几家企业先后被迫关闭了。这时他把目光投向了祖国大陆,并多次参加投资考察团,就在祖国大陆设置工厂、建立行销据点进行评估,结果决定先建立行销据点并? I met Mr. Wang Wenzong at the ’96 China International Fashion Fair. He stood quietly, examining the lively exhibition hall. I exchange business cards with him, he smiled shyly, simply greeting a few words. Mr. Wang often pursues for reporters because he invested in Taiwan from mainland China and successfully ran Beijing Oudifen Garment Co., Ltd. and introduced the world famous brand “Oudifen” Ms. Lingerie series, which is deeply loved by consumers. A newspaper in Taiwan Island once commented on him: “Wang Wenzong is a young entrepreneur with ambitious goals in Taiwan,” and asserted that “Oddifen Company has a bright future.” Whether this assessment is appropriate or not, Oddifen’s unique corporate culture and direction of operation, as well as the achievements made, deserve our attention. A person, a business growth and success is not accidental. Growing up in a farmer’s home, Mr. Wang grew up with a simple, kindhearted character who endured hardship, endurance, and manhood, thus laying the foundation for his success today. He said: "When I was young, my grandfather was very strict with me, just put down the bag, let me go mowing, go to work in the fields. Transplanting, weeding, fertilizing, cutting rice, cows, plowing, farmers do I will After graduating from the Textile Department of the University, he devoted himself to the apparel manufacturing and trading industry. Accumulated more than ten years of experience, not only established a good image, but also has a reputation in the industry. In the late 1980s, due to the continuous appreciation of the NT, several of his enterprises in Taiwan were forced to shut down. At this time he turned his attention to the mainland China, and participated in investment missions many times, set up factories in the motherland mainland, set up marketing positions to assess the results decided to establish a marketing stronghold and?
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