由一位朋友的推荐,我连续订了1996至1997年度的《对联》杂志。阅读后,使我大开眼界,在高雅的《对联》王国里,那些古今名联、趣味故事、对联知识等,像磁铁一样吸引着我,使从来不会作联而又喜欢对联的我,如获至宝。爱不释手。通过认真地学习和探讨后,所得教益非浅。大大激发了我对作联的欲望和信心。 《对联》杂志,不仅是弘扬中华民族文化,又是指导作联的最佳刊物。特别是对联写作、对联知识和对联教学资料等专栏,对我启发和指导最大。其中一篇文章精辟地阐述了制联的原则,现
As recommended by one friend, I have consecutively ordered “Couplet” magazine from 1996 to 1997. After reading, I opened an eye-opener. In the elegant “couplet” kingdom, those ancient and modern names, interesting stories, couplets, knowledge, etc., like magnet attracted me, never make couplet and I love couplet, Such as treasure. Put it down. Through careful study and discussion, the lessons learned. Greatly stimulated my desire and confidence for the association. “Couplet” magazine, not only to carry forward the Chinese culture, but also the best guide for the joint publication. In particular, the couplet, couplet knowledge and couplet teaching information column, inspired and guided me the most. One of the articles brilliantly elaborated the principle of system association