Nansha Development Zone Thriving on Overseas Investment

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  In just nine years, the Nansha Economic and Technological Development Zone (Nansha ETDZ), which sits close to where the Pearl River empties into the South China Sea, has become home to 206 foreign-funded companies from 18 countries and regions. On that basis, the zone is sparing no effort to attain the projected target of developing into a modern coastal city before 2005 - to be precise, into a stronger magnet to investors from China and overseas.
  The Nansha ETDZ was established in May 1993 with approval of the State Council, China‘s highest governing body, and is now undergoing the third phase of development. Under its development plans for the 2001-2005 period, work is under full swing to accomplish the development of four districts under its jurisdiction. The Eastern District will be developed into an ocean-shipping port; and the Western District, into a high-tech industrial base also engaging in processing. The Southern District will become fully fitted as the zone‘s political, cultural and financial center; and the Northern District, as the zone‘s bonded area and power supply center. By the end of 2005, the zone will have developed into a full-fledged city with a population of 360,000 and capable of generating a yearly RMB10 billion yuan (about US$1.2 billion) in industrial output value.
  The Nansha ETDZ lies in the southeastern part of Panyu City, Guangdong Province, south China. If faces the sea on three sides and has a land area of 54 square kilometers, three times as large as Macao. Hills cover about 47% of the area. With that part of the area deducted, the zone has 32 square kilometers suitable for development.
  According to the zone‘s top administrator, the Nansha ETDZ began working to attract foreign capital through cooperation with Henry Ying Tung Fok, a Hong Kong tycoon who is a vice-chairman of the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference, China‘s highest consulting body. "That took place in the early 1990s," said Luo Siyuan, director of the Administrative Committee of Nansha ETDZ.
  To date, the zone, jointly with the Ying Tung Fok Group, has already completed a group of projects in the eastern part of the area. These include an automobile ferry, a passenger harbor, the Dongfa Berth capable of accommodating 10,000-dwt-class vessels and the Nanwei Berth for 25,000-dwt or even larger ships. Also in operation in the zone is a new shipyard producing high speed, double-hull passenger ships and aluminum vessels.
  On a piece of land seven square kilometers large that was reclaimed from the sea jointly by the zone and the Ying Tung Fok Group, the Nansha Puzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Park has been built. The park is 200,000 square meters in area and with buildings totaling 100,000 square meters in floor space. The exhibition center in the park has been the venue of many national and provincial conferences. A five-star Fuzhou Grand Hotel, which Involves 300 million HK dollars in capital input, is to be completed soon. Also under construction at the zone are a string of major projects including Guangdong-Hong Kong Air and Sea Cargo Through Transport Center, the World Trade Center for Pearl River Delta and the plaza for the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  The Western District of Nansha has been focusing on the development of hi-tech and processing industries, while trying to develop into a tourism and service sector, said Luo. He said that the district is now home to 256 foreign-funded projects, which involve USUS$1.6 billion in foreign investment. Of these, more than 40 have each received more than USUS$10 million in foreign capital. International business groups such as the General Electric and BASF have already set up companies in Nansha.
  "To boost the development of the Hi-tech industry, we have built a base for experiments in high-tech industrialization to serve the needs of the entire country," Luo Siyuan said. "We have set up a center for postdoctoral research and a science museum jointly with the Guangdong Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences."
  Nansha is becoming an important gateway for border exit and entry as well as the cargo handling and distribution center in the Pearl River Delta area. From Nansha to Hong Kong is just 38 nautical miles across the sea and to Macao 41 nautical miles, and the distance between Nansha and Guangzhou is 54 kilometers. The zone is, in fact, the heart of the Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macao "golden triangle", a hub of communication with roads radiating to Shenzhen, Zhuhai and other important cities as well.
  At Nansha Passenger Seaport, passenger transport services between Nansha and Hong Kong are available, provided by 12 regular liners (a dual-way total) on a day-to-day basis. The Humen Bridge links the east and west banks of the Pearl River. Moreover, the South Giant Cargo Wharf (with two berths for 25,000-dwt ships) and the East Prosperity Cargo Wharf (with one berth for 10,000-dwt ships) have been built and put into operation. The Nansha Port has won recognition of the State Council as a class-A open port in China.
  As regards infrastructure development at Nansha, new roads of about 60 kilometers have been built in the zone. The new booster pump station supplies a maximum 250,000 cubic meters of water per day, sufficient for household and industrial use in the area. Two newly built 110,000-V substations and a power plant with a capacity of 100,000 volts have guaranteed power-supply for the zone. Latest telecommunication equipment has also been geared to meet the needs of modern society.
  Clusters of European and American style villas have been built in Nansha for foreign experts, and large and top-notched Coastal Villas, for holiday makers. Under construction is the Guangdong Lion Ocean (International) Center, a sanatorium with a blend of health-care, leisure-activities, entertainment, vacation enjoyment, and exhibition.
  In addition to the good environment, investors can also enjoy efficient service from the local government. An investment promotion office has been set up by the Administrative Committee of Nansha ETDZ. Services offered by the office cover the entire process of project establishment, from negotiations on a project, examination nd approval of project, establishment of a company, to application for construction work. A hotline is open for complains and suggestions from investors.
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