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近几年来,随着深圳旅游业的发展,有130多个旅游项目在申报中,其中相当一批项目构思富有特色,但也从中发现如下问题: (一) 缺乏全市旅游发展的总体规划。该鼓励发展什么,该限制发展什么,方向不明确,使得申报单位和各有关审批部门无依据可循。造成有些项目一哄而上,重复申报和建设。如高尔夫球场申报的有12家,已批准立项的有4家;电影城申报的有4家,已批准的有1家,而有些项目则空缺,如旅游商品开发就无人问津。(二) 旅游项目申报和审批程序不规范。首先,对旅游项目的审批全市没有建立一个具有协调能力的权威审批机构,并制定一套比较健全的旅游项目申报规范程序。致使申报程序和渠道较混乱;其次,审批权限没有界定,市、区两级政府同时审批,市政府有关局在旅游项目审批上也有交叉,致使全市的总体平衡难以实现。(三) 部分项目酝酿不成熟。现有申报项目中。有些只提 In recent years, with the development of tourism in Shenzhen, there are more than 130 tourism projects in the declaration, of which a considerable number of projects with unique ideas, but also found the following problems: (A) the lack of the city’s tourism development master plan. What to encourage the development of what the restrictions on the development of the direction is not clear, making the reporting unit and the relevant departments of examination and approval no basis to follow. Caused some projects to rush into mass production, repeated reporting and construction. For example, there are 12 golf course declarations, 4 approved projects, 4 movie theater applications, 1 approved projects, and some projects are vacant. For example, no one cares about the development of tourism products. (B) tourism project reporting and approval process is not standardized. First of all, the approval of tourism projects the city did not establish a coordinating authority of the examination and approval authority, and to develop a relatively complete procedures for the declaration of tourism projects. Resulting in a more chaotic declaration procedures and channels; secondly, the authority of examination and approval is not defined; the municipal and district governments at the same time examine and approve; and the relevant municipal government offices cross the examination and approval of tourism projects, resulting in the overall balance of the city being difficult to be realized. (C) part of the project brewing immature. Existing application project. Some mention only
二十载寒来暑往, 二十度春秋冬夏, 悠悠岁月, 荏苒光阴, 黄金年华, 喜逢盛世。值此《云南农业科技》生日之际, 我们怀着激动的心情, 向广大读者、作者、各级领导、各界朋友,
摘要:本文运用波特的五力模型对路桥施工行业进行剖析,分别描述了现有企业间的竞争、供应商的力量、替代品、潜在进入者以及购买者的力量5个方面对路桥施工行业的影响。结果表明,路桥施工行业的主要竞争压力来自现有竞争者,不过其他4种竞争力量也不容忽视。  关键词:五力竞争模型;路桥施工行业;竞争结构  作者简介: 余国新(1965-),男,新疆人,新疆农业大学经济管理学院副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:投资与
区域规划和区域开发实施,已列为各级领导和国土区划部门今后研究和工作重点之一,面对这一新课题和新任务,在理论和实践上,都有一些问题需要研究和探讨。 一、区域规划和区域