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  Unit 5
   1. ——What are you doing? 你在干什么?
   ——I’m watching TV. 我在看电视。
  Jim is watching a football game. 吉姆正在观看一场足球比赛。
  I want a new watch. 我想要一块新手表。
   2. Do you want to go to the movies? 你想去看电影吗?
   (1)want 动词,“想;想要”。通常有两种用法,即want sth. 想要某物;want to do sth. 想要做某事。例如:
  That boy wants a computer. 那个男孩想要一台电脑。
  They want to take some photos in the park.
  (2)movie名词,“电影;影片”。go to the movies去看电影。例如:
  That’s a good movie. 那是一部好电影。
  Let’s go to the movies. 让我们去看电影吧!
   3. This TV show is boring. 这个电视节目很无聊。
  show 此处为名词,“展览;展示;节目”。例如:
  I like fashion show very much. 我非常喜欢时装表演。
  show 还常用作动词,“出示;展示”,主要用法为show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 把某物出示给某人看。例如:
  He shows his photos to us.=He shows us his photos.
   4. What’s he waiting for? 他在等什么?
  wait为不及物动词,跟宾语时需要加介词for, 组成动词短语wait for“等候,等待”。例如:
  The children are waiting for their teacher. 孩子们在等他们的老师。
  They are waiting for the bus. 他们正在等公共汽车。
   5. Thanks for your letter and the photos. 谢谢你的来信和寄来的照片。
  (1)thanks for相当于thank you for, for后跟名词。例如:
  Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。
  (2)如果for后要表示一个动作,就要使用动名词形式,即:thanks for doing sth.。例如:
  Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助了我。
   6. Here is a photo of my family. 这是我的家人的一张照片。
  a photo of 表示“……的一张照片”。例如:
  This is a photo of Jim. 这是吉姆的一张照片。
  This is a photo of me. 这是我的一张照片。
  Unit 6
   1. ——How’s the weather in Shanghai? 上海天气怎么样?
   ——It’s cloudy. 多云。
  The weather is good (fine) today. 今天的天气很好。
  We have a mild climate here. 我们这儿的气候温和。
  (2)若对天气状况提问时,常用How’s the weather…?意为“……的天气如何?”。例如:
  How is the weather today? 今天的天气如何?
  也可这样问:What’s the weather like today?
  (3)cloudy作形容词,由名词cloud加“y”构成的。意为“多云的;阴天的”。本单元中还有windy, sunny, 也是同样的构词法(wind+y和sun双写n+y)。类似的还有rainy(多雨的)和snowy(多雪的)等。
  It’s cold today. 今天很冷。
  What time is it now? 现在几点了?
  How far is it from the school? 到学校有多远?
  It’s about one mile. 一英里左右。
   2. ——How is it going? 你好吗? ——Great!好极了!
  (1)该句是由疑问副词how引出的问候句型。意为:一切顺利吗?“How is…”句型在问候语中用来询问对方的情况。通常都跟在Hello或Hi之后。例如:
  How is everything? 一切都好吗?
  Hello, how is your family? 家里人都好吗?
  Hi, how is the life? 日子过得怎样?
  (2)句中的主语是代词it, 用来指代问话人所问的“那件事情”,即可以指代问话人所关心的任何事情。
  (3)动词go在此处不表示“去;走”,而表示“进行;进展”,常用be going的结构。例如:
  Everything is going well. 一切进展顺利。
  ——How is it going? 事情进展如何?
  ——Marvelous! 棒极了!
   3. Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around the World show.
  Around the World 在此作为专有名词,所以要大写首字母,即“(央视的)世界各地”栏目。around the world 意为:环球(旅行),或世界各地。around 在此处的意思是:在各处。例如:
  Your clothes are lying around the room. 你的衣服放得卧室到处都是。
   4. There are many people here on vacation. 很多人在这儿度假。
  vacation作名词,意为“休假;假期”。常指一次性的休假(不论假日有多少天)。on vacation是“在休假中;在度假”的意思,也可说on holiday。例如:
  Where are you planning to spend your next vacation?
  They went to France on vacation last month.
   5. Some are taking photos. 有些人在照相。
  take photos 意思是“拍照”。如果表示“拍……的照片”,用take photos of sth./sb.。例如:
  ——What are you doing here? 你们在这儿干什么?
  ——We’re taking photos of the panda. 我们在给熊猫拍照。
   6. But everyone is having a good time. 但是每个人都玩儿得很高兴。
  have a good time 意思是“玩得愉快,高兴”。例如:
  We had a good time at the party yesterday.
   7. That sounds terrible. 那听起来很糟糕。
  Your idea sounds a good one. 你的想法听起来不错。
  The music sounds beautiful. 这音乐听起来很美。
  (2)类似的系动词还有:look(看起来), seem(似乎), taste(尝起来), feel (摸起来), turn(变得), grow(变得), become(变成)。例如:
  He looks happy. 他看起来很高兴。
  He seems quite happy. 他似乎很高兴。
  It tastes fine. 这东西吃起来很好。
  The cloth feels soft. 这布料摸起来柔软。
  His face turns red. 他的脸变红了。
  It grew dark. 天色变暗了。
  He becomes stronger and stronger. 他变得越来越强壮了。
   1. ——____ Tom doing his homework?
   ——No, he ____.
   A. Is; is B. Does; doesn’t C. Is; isn’t D. Does; does
   2. ——____ is your sister ____?
   ——Her friend.
   A. What; waiting B. Which; waiting for
   C. How; wait for D. Who; waiting for
   3. ——____ is your sister ____?
   ——She is sleeping now.
   A. Why; do B. When; do C. What; doing D. Where; doing
   4. ——Are you listening or writing?
   A. Yes, I’m listening B. I’m writing
   C. No, I’m not D. Yes, I am
   5. ——____ cleaning the classroom? ——Mike.
   A. Who does B. Who C. Whose D. Who’s
   6. ——What is Lily doing there?
   ——She is ____ dinner.
   A. waiting B. liking C. drinking D. eating
   7. Listen!The birds ____ in the tree.
   A. sings B. sing C. is singing D. are singing
   8. ——Where is Rose?
   ——She ____ at the mall.
   A. shopping B. shops C. is shopping D. are shopping
   9. In the ____ photo, I’m playing basketball.
   A. one B. first C. this D. that
  10. Look!They are ____ at the pool.
   A. swiming B. swim C. swimming D. swimmer
  11. ——Is Mary eating dinner?
   ——____. She’s writing a letter.
   A. No, she doesn’t B. Yes, she is
   C. No, she isn’t D. Yes, she does
  12. ____ your beautiful gift for my birthday.
   A. Thank you B. Thank for
   C. Thanks you for D. Thanks for
  13. Are you ____ a bus?
   A. wait B. waiting C. wait for D. waiting for
  14. When Australia is hot, China is ____.
   A. cool B. warm C. humid D. cold
  15. Look!Who ____ there in the river?
   A. is swim B. swimming C. is swimming D. swims
  16. In South China ____ a lot of rain.
   A. has B. have C. there is D. there are
  17. Many people enjoy ____ photos when they are on vacation.
   A. take B. takes C. taking D. to take
  18. My watch is lost. I’m ____ it.
   A. finding B. asking C. looking for D. watching
  19. ____ winter it is very cold ____ Moscow.
   A. In, in B. In, at C. On, in D. On, on
  20. Thank you ____ me with my homework.
   A. to help B. to helping C. for help D. for helping
  21. It’s rainy. But everyone ____ a good time.
   A. is having B. are having C. having D. has
  22. I ____ it can ____.
   A. think; not fly B. think; not flying
   C. don’t think; fly D. think not; flying
  23. ——How was it going?
   ——____. I don’t want to tell my parents.
   A. Great B. Not bad C. Terrible D. Pretty good
  24. ____ the weather like?
   A. How’s B. When’s C. What’s D. Where’s
  25. It’s windy. That ____.
   A. sound terribly B. sounds terrible
   C. sounds terribly D. looks terrible
  26. ____ it going?
   A. How are B. How’s C. What are D. What’s
  27. I really don’t ____ see me.
   A. her want B. want her to C. want her D. her want to
Ⅰ.语音。找出下列每组词中划线部分发音与众不同的选项。    1. A. nameB. bagC. dadD. at  2. A. sixB. fiveC. listenD. in  3. A. telephoneB. letterC. sevenD. pen  4. A. phoneB. zeroC. goD. clock  5. A. hisB. caseC. thisD. sorry    
I.词汇  A)英汉互译。  1.认为,考虑________ 2.________怎么样?  3.事实上________ 4.同意某人的意见________  5.颜色鲜艳的衣服—— 6.enjoy reading________  7.some 0f their answers________ 8.sports shows________  9.key ring________ 10.Healt
(A)    Erik was a fourteen-year-old boy. He thought he was a young man but his parents didn’t think so. They told him, “When you begin to think about __1__ others, you’ll be a young man.”  One morning
Unit 5    1. see/look/watch/read   我们平常说看报纸,而在英语中表示看的单词有很多,那么我们究竟用哪个?是look, see,watch,还是read呢?  [一语击破]  see是指自然而然地看,强调看的结果,不可用进行时态。  look是指想看而向目标看去,强调看的过程,可用进行时。如:   Jane looked at the blackboard but
1._____ was your weekend?  _____It was very good.   A. Where B. What C. Why D. How  2. Yesterday I_____a very funny story hook.  A. watched B. readed C looked at D. read  3. What_____you_____last nigh
Unit 5    1.咱们七点钟去看电影吧。  [误] Let’s go to the movies in seven o’clock.   [正] Let’s go to the movies at seven o’clock.  [析] 表示“在几点”时,要用介词at。  2.他们都在看电视。  [误] They all are watching TV.   [正] They are all
I.词汇考查。  根据首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词。  1.The students are taking phores with a nice c______.  2.There are many people on the bus.and it's c______.  3.Don't play soccer on the street.It's too d______.  4.I am ve
I’m Gina. I like go1 to a movie on weekends, and I also like basketball. My favorite is play2 piano3 for the reason that it is very graceful(优美). Now I’m in the piano club. There are many classmates t
Ⅰ.找出下列每组词中划线部分发音与众不同的选项    1. A. no B. zero C. one D. telephone  2. A. book B. look C. school D. notebook  3. A. mother B. sorry  C. not  D. clock  4. A. family B. that C. name D. thank  5. A. questio
1. Tom is too_____to say.  A. reached B. played C. excited D. wanted  2._____is it from your school to your home?  _____It's about 300 meters. It's near.  A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How  3