Uncertainty Study of B_d(B_s)→γv Decays

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sarnimoon
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B~0(B+s)→γvv decays are useful to determining the decay constants f_B(f_B_s) and B(B_s) meson wavefunction.Using the B meson wave function determined in hadronic B(Bs) decays,we study the uncertainties due tothe types of B meson wave functions.We find that the branching ratios are sensitive to the type of wave functions andinput parameters,but the energy spectrum is independent.The predicted branching ratios are (0.45-1.04) ×10~(-9) and(2.14-3.27) × 10~(-8) for B~0 and B_s decay,respectively. B ~ 0 (B + s) → γvv decays are useful to determine the decay constants f_B (f_B_s) and B (B_s) meson wavefunction. Using the B meson wave function determined in hadronic B (Bs) decays, we study the uncertainties due tothe types of B meson wave functions. We find that the branching ratios are sensitive to the type of wave functions and input parameters, but the energy spectrum is independent. predicted branching ratios are (0.45-1.04) × 10 -9 (2.14-3.27) × 10 ~ (-8) for B ~ 0 and B_s decay, respectively.
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