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通过学习十五大报告、刘明祖书记讲话和全区经济工作会议文件,感到我区交通邮电发展面临的艰巨性和紧迫性,特别是交通运输发展滞后于国民经济发展的问题,如何实现突破摆在了我们的面前。当前我区交通运输发展只能紧紧抓住两个转变,用大交通的观点走综合治理规划,打破运输体制分疆割据,融入全国交通运输网络中的路子。具体工作中就是要把集装箱运输发展作为突破口。下面就我区集装箱运输发展思路谈一下个人的想法。 一、我区集装箱运输发展情况 (一)我区集装箱运输发展现状 我区集装箱运输起步较晚,80年代末,呼和浩特市和赤峰市运输公司开始经营小型集装箱货运业务,在“八五”期间得到一定的发展,到1995年底全区集装箱到发总量达8.9万箱(TEU),其中铁路到发总量7万箱,公路运输 Through studying the report of the 15th Party Congress, the speech of Secretary-General Liu Mingzu and the documents of the economic working conference in the region, I feel the arduousness and urgency of the development of the transportation, telecommunications and telecommunications in our region. In particular, the development of transport lags behind the development of the national economy and how to achieve breakthroughs In front of us At present, the development of transport in our region can only firmly grasp two changes and take a comprehensive control plan from the perspective of major transport to break the road of dividing the transport system into two parts and integrating it into the national transportation network. Specific work is to take the container transport development as a breakthrough. Here's my area of ​​development of container transport talk about personal ideas. I. Development of Container Transport in Our Zone (I) Development Status of Container Transport in Our District Container transport in our district started relatively late. In the late 1980s, the shipping companies in Hohhot and Chifeng started to operate the small container freight business. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, By a certain amount of development, by the end of 1995, the total volume of container deliveries in the region reached 89,000 TEUs, of which 70,000 were delivered to the railway,
拉萨的云没有边际,从珠穆朗玛峰一直到昆仑山上,圣洁地在高山上飘荡,有的挂在山巅,有的在树枝上飘扬,布满整个天空,肆无忌惮地流淌。   拉萨的云格外悠扬,博大的胸怀充满了雨的思想,凝结成雪的磁场,装着青稞酒的心房,有时激情奔放,有时雪雾蒙蒙……我爬上拉萨的云端,踩着洁白的棉毯,迎着微风,仰望蓝天,太阳在召唤,珠穆朗玛峰在思念。   拉萨的云披在了山的肩上,像一条条洁白的哈达,让山穿上了雪的衣装,天空
伴随改革开放以来道路运输业的迅猛发展,与之相配套的服务业发展相对滞后,文章从理论到实践两个方面谈了运输服务业发展的思路和措施。 With the rapid development of road t
事件>>>随着拥有158年历史的美国第4大投资银行雷曼兄弟公司9月15日宣布申请破产保护,美国百年一遇的金融危机开始全面爆发,并迅速波及全球经济,演变成了世界范围的金融海 E
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有私车却搭乘公共交通,有打印机却选择发送电子邮件,有电灯却尽可能地采用自然光……在英美烟草集团(BAT)北京办公室,这些看似简单却不易坚持的行为已成为一种时尚。这一切,源自于融创公关公司为其策划、执行的绿色办公项目。    绿色满园全体动员    从2007年开始,融创公关公司绿色办公项目组的赵可、刘冉、吴骁和张晶就开始收集烟草集团和跨国企业的CSR资料,在经过一番研究后,他们建议BAT把“绿色办
【景气观察】 2月份,我国宏观经济运行平稳,综合经济景气评分依然落在绿灯区的下限。消费者信心指数在连续上升13个月之后略有调整,比上月下调0.2点,为96.8。【工业】 2001