用清廉来保障全社会的公平主义 十六大以来中国共产党反腐倡廉历程回顾

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2007年10月15日,又是一个金秋送爽的日子,我们迎来了中国共产党第十七次代表大会。这次盛会又将和五年前党的第十六次代表大会一样给全党和全国人民带来更加宏伟的蓝图。回顾这五年,越来越真切感受到,在科学发展观的指导下,反腐倡廉建设已成为全党工作的重要方面。因为一个和谐的社会首先是一个公平的社会、是一个正义能够得以实现的社会,而一个公平正义的社会首先应该是一个清廉的社会。在这五年里,新一届党中央坚定不移地走中国特色反腐倡廉道路,不断理清和完善反腐倡廉战略思路,反腐举措频频推出,依法治腐步伐加快,民主监督力度加大,旨在预防腐败的各项改革深入推进,一大批的腐败分子被严厉惩处,一个有利于反腐倡廉的大环境正在逐步形成。郑筱萸、邱晓华、刘志华、杜世成、李宝金、荆福生、王有杰、王昭耀、吴振汉、韩桂芝、王怀忠、高严、刘方仁……这些十六大以来被惩处的省部级官员,体现了新一届党中央从严治党的方针,惩治腐败、端正党风政风的坚定决心。 On October 15, 2007, another autumn day, we ushered in the 17th Chinese Communist Party Congress. This event, in turn, will, like the sixteenth congress of the party five years ago, bring even more grand blueprints to the entire party and the people throughout the country. Looking back these five years, I feel more and more realistically that under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, the building of an anti-corruption campaign has become an important aspect of the work of the entire party. Because a harmonious society is above all a fair society, a society in which justice can be realized, and a fair and just society should, above all, be a clean society. During the past five years, the Central Party Committee of the CPC Central Committee unswervingly follows the road of combating corruption and upholding integrity with Chinese characteristics, constantly cleansing and perfecting the strategic thinking on combating corruption and advocating for clean government, frequently launches anti-corruption measures, accelerates the pace of governing corruption according to law, and strengthens democratic supervision The various reforms aimed at preventing corruption have been further promoted. A large number of corrupt elements have been severely punished. A general environment conducive to fighting corruption and building a clean government is gradually taking shape. Zheng Xiaoyu, Qiu Xiaohua, Liu Zhihua, Du Shicheng, Li Baojin, Jing Fusheng, Wang Youjie, Wang Zhaoyao, Wu Zhenhan, Han Guizhi, Wang Huazhong, Gao Yan and Liu Fangren ... These provincial and ministerial officials punished since the 16th CPC National Congress have demonstrated that the new Central Party Central Committee They must strictly abide by the party’s principle and punish corruption and correct the style of the party and government.