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无损检测人员培训,是一项极为重要的任务,国内各工业系统自1978年成立无损检测学会以来,都先后建立了相应的无损检测等级人员培训机构,培训了大批的等级探伤人员,取得了很大成绩,对提高我国无损检测人员的水平作出了积极的贡献,对保证产品的质量、设备的安全运行发挥了极为重要的作用.不少工业系统的无损检测主管部门为了提高等级探伤人员的技术水平,出版了相应等级人员考试试卷汇编。《无损检测》杂志也刊登过这类试题录,供等级探伤人员学习和参考。近年来随着我国现代工业的飞速发展,对质量的要求愈来愈高,有更多的年青人参加和充实到无损检测这支队伍里来,他们都热切希望学习,以提高水平。因此,人员培训工作,仍然是今后艰巨的任务。为此,本刊为满足广大读者的需要,特开辟“试题选答”专栏,组织专家参考历年考试试卷汇编的考题撰写解答,以问与答的形式与读者见面,供学习参考。本专栏拟从超声波检测专业考题开始,望广大无损检测工作者提出宝贵意见,以便改进. Non-destructive testing of personnel training is an extremely important task, since the establishment of non-destructive testing Institute of the domestic industrial system since 1978, have set up a corresponding non-destructive testing grade training institutions, trained a large number of level testing staff, made a very Great achievements made a positive contribution to the improvement of the level of non-destructive testing personnel in our country, and played an extremely important role in ensuring the quality of products and the safe operation of equipment.Many non-destructive testing departments of industrial systems in order to improve the technology of level testing personnel Level, published the corresponding grade staff examination papers compilation. Non-destructive testing magazine also published such test questions for level testing personnel to learn and reference. In recent years, with the rapid development of modern industry in our country, the demand for quality is getting higher and higher. More and more young people have participated in and enriched this team of non-destructive testing. They all are eager to learn in order to raise their level. Therefore, personnel training remains the daunting task ahead. To this end, the magazine to meet the needs of readers, especially the development of “test questions to answer ” column, organize experts reference examination questions compilation of exam questions over the years to write answers to questions and answers in the form of meeting with readers for learning reference. This column is intended to start from the ultrasonic test professional exam, hope the vast number of non-destructive testing workers put forward their opinions for improvement.
目的探讨预见性护理预防化疗过程中深静脉导管堵塞的效果。方法 100例采用深静脉置管进行肿瘤化疗的患者,随机分为干预组和对照组,各50例。干预组给予预见性护理干预,对照组
西部地区由于自然条件、人口状况和经济社会发展水平的制约,中小企业的经营能力和管理水平相对低下,出现财务危机的可能性远较东部沿海地区高。西部地区中小企业必须强化危机意识,牢固树立“扬长避短”的竞争理念,扎实加强财务控制,增强抗风险能力,防控财务危机。  一、财务危机界定  财务危机(Financial Crisis)又称为财务困境,是财务风险的极端表现形式。  (一)国外相关研究国外学者对财务危机的