Broken Promises

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“Sheesh!Give me a few points for self control!”Isnapped at my cranky husband.I wanted to stop at a sport-ing goods store“Going Out of Business”sale we passed inthe mall.“There’s nothing we need”,his usual grumpymale comment.“It’s all overpriced junk.If they had anythinggood they wouldn’t be going out of business.” “Sheesh!Give me a few points for self control!”Isnapped at my cranky husband.I wanted to stop at a sport-ing goods store“Going Out of Business”sale we passed inthe mall.“There’s nothing we need”,his Usual grumpymale comment.“It’s all overpriced junk.If they had anything good they wouldn’t be going out of business.”
A woman was worried whether or not her dead husband made it to heaven, so she prays earnstly for Godto allow him to speak to her, “Hello Margaret, this is Fre
小胡去城西拆迁现场时,拆迁办公室主任赵强详细交代了去了该如何办。小胡把胸口拍得山响:主任,您还信不过我?  不一會儿,小胡打来电话,说遇到了麻烦。赵强在电话里说,你就按我交代的去办。小胡说,好。没过几分钟,小胡又打来电话,赵强在听完大概眉目后,还是说,你就按我的话去做。说完,不等小胡开口,便放下了话筒。几分钟后,电话又响起来了。赵强估摸着又是小胡打来的。  于是,赵强说,不是叫你按我的话去办就可以
ATrueApologyAtrueapologyismorethanjustacknowledgement (承认 )ofamistake .It’srecognitionthatsome thingyou’resaid 1donehasdamagedarelat ATrueApologyAtrueapologyismorethanjustacknowledgement (acknowledge) ofamistake .It’srecognitionthatsome thingyou’resaid 1
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“2009年,产品安全及遵从性测试将纳入软件开发产品线及生命周期中,并成为市场主流。Watchfire的成功收购正式IBM Rational在这一战略性方向努力的结果,IBM ”2009, produc
阅读下面短文 ,掌握其大意 ,然后从各题所给的四个选项中 ,选出一个最佳答案。RogerCrawfordhadeverythingheneededtoplaytennis———excepttwohandsandaleg .Hehadnopalms(手掌 ) .Theb Read the following essay, grasp its meaning, and then choose the best