
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:new_youxi
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1991年12月是珍珠港事变50周年,日本国际文化会馆主办“太平洋战争再考察——开战50周年国际会议”,于11月14—17日在富士山麓山中湖村举行。应邀参加的学者共43人,来自9个国家,其中日本18人,中国、美国、英国、德国、苏联、新西兰、菲律宾和南朝鲜等国共25人,包括一些国际著名的历史学和国际关系研究的学者,如哈佛大学历史系主任入江昭(Akira Iriye)、普林斯顿大学教授、原东亚研究所主任詹森(Marius B.Jansen)、伦敦大学教授、曾任英国日本研究会和欧洲日本研究会主席尼什(IanH Nish)和原苏联科学院院士、全苏历史学会会长齐赫文斯基(Sergei L.Tikhvinski)等,我国参加的有复旦大学历史系教授汪熙、陈绛两人。另有日本早稻田大学、各古屋大学、横滨国立大学等校教授16人作为观察员出席会议。会议由曾任日本国际关系学会会长、日本国际大学日美关系研究中心主任细谷干博教授主持。 22年前,即1969年,曾在富士山麓河中湖村举行一次同样以太平洋战争历史为主题的会 December 1991 is the 50th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor Incident. The Japan International Cultural Center hosts the “Pacific War Re-inspection - the 50th Anniversary of the War of Conflict.” It was held November 14-17 in Lake Fuji, a mountainous village in Mount Fuji. A total of 43 scholars were invited from 9 countries, including 18 from Japan, 25 from China, the United States, Britain, Germany, the Soviet Union, New Zealand, the Philippines and South Korea, including some well-known international studies on history and international relations Scholars such as Akira Iriye, director of history at Harvard University, professor at Princeton University, former East Asia Institute director Marius B. Jansen, professor at the University of London, former chairman of the British Japan Institute and the European Japan Institute Ian H Nish, academician of the former Soviet Academy of Sciences, Sergei L. Tikhvinski, president of the All-China History Society, and Wang Xi and Chen Jiang, professors from the Department of History of Fudan University in China. In addition, 16 members, including Waseda University in Japan, Nagoya University and Yokohama National University, attended the conference as observers. The meeting was presided over by former President of Japan’s Institute of International Relations and Japan’s International University Japan-US relations research center, Professor Hosokaboshi Chair. Twenty-two years ago, in 1969, a meeting on the theme of the history of the Pacific War was held in the middle of Fuji,
[摘 要] 高校非学历继续教育正处于重要的转型期,新形势下非学历继续教育蕴藏着广阔的发展空间。面对要大力发展的非学历继续教育,首要任务是在充分调研论证的基础上找准转型期高校非学历继续教育的定位,针对发展中存在的突出问题,提出高校非学历继续教育要从更新观念,明确定位;建立面向市场的运作和激励机制;注重精品项目的培育,铸造品牌;加强培训基地建设,集聚社会资源;建设一支稳定高素质的师资队伍等方面规划和发
Objective:The aim of the research was to study whether microRNA-15a(miR-15a) oligonucleotide could inhibit cell growth and enhance cytarabine(Ara-C)-induced apo
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