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  TO-DAY there is no famous sculptor who is also a famous painter. But in 1475 was born a man who became world famous as a sculptor, as a painter, and as an architect. He also was a poet and wrote good verses that are still published. Not only that, but he is considered the greatest artist of the Renaissance. Many people call him the greatest sculptor since Phidias.
  The name of this wonderful genius was Buonarroti. Have you ever heard before of Buonarroti? Very few people know him by that name. He is known to us as Michelangelo and even this name is written in three different ways—Michelangelo,Michael Angelo, and Michelagnolo.
  Michelangelo was trained as a sculptor in marble and he always spoke of himself as a sculptor in spite of the fact that his most famous works are the paintings in the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
  As a boy he carved a statue in snow that greatly pleased one of the famous Medici family, the Duke of Florence. The boy was permitted to study the old Greek and Roman statues collected by the duke, who later gave him work to do.
  When Michelangelo was still a young man, he carved in marble a wonderful statue called the Pietà. This piece of work shows Mary the mother of Jesus holding her dead Son across her lap after His crucifixion. Some people like it better than Michelangelo’s other works because it is calmer, quieter and tranquil, than the statues he did afterward.
  Some time after making the Pietà, Michelangelo was able to do a piece of work that made him famous throughout Italy. There lay in Florence a huge block of marble that an earlier sculptor had begun to work on, but had been unable to finish because the marble was so long and narrow.
  Michelangelo offered to make a statue out of this block of marble. He was given permission to carve it and went to work. The block was set up on end and  enclosed with a fence so Michelangelo could work in peace. In three years he had finished. People came in crowds to see what he had done.
  It was a colossal statue eighteen feet high, showing David with his sling ready to fight Goliath the giant. Strange to say, every one in Florence called the statue “The Giant”, although it was of a man who killed a giant. It is gigantic in size. It weighs nine tons.
  这位与古希腊最伟大的雕塑家同样了不起的天才叫“博那罗蒂”。你听过这个名字吗?其实也的确很少有人知道这个名字,因为大家都叫他“米开朗琪罗”“米开兰琪罗”或“米高安哲罗”。   米开朗琪罗自幼学习大理石雕像,他也总認为自己是一位雕塑家,尽管他实际上最著名的作品是绘画作品,那就是他为罗马西斯廷礼拜堂所作的穹顶壁画。
  Word Study
  sculptor /'sk?lpt?r/ n. 雕塑家,雕刻家
  carve /kɑ?rv/ v. 雕刻;切下(肉片);奋斗取得(名声)
  The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone.
  tranquil /'tr??kw?l/ adj. 安静的;平静的;宁静的
  She lives a tranquil life in the country.
  colossal /k?'lɑ?sl/ adj. 巨大的;庞大的
  niche /ni??/ n. 壁龛;合适的位置
  Michelangelo was a very careful student of anatomy. Anatomy is the study of the muscles and other parts of the body. He studied the bodies of people and even cut up dead bodies so he could learn about the muscles under the skin that would make a statue look lifelike. He knew so much about muscles that he carved some of his statues in strained and unusual positions, showing the proper play of muscles under the skin.
  For the tomb of one of the popes, Michelangelo carved a statue of Moses. Of course he did not know what Moses really looked like. He had no pictures of Moses to go by, so the Moses he  carved is the sculptor’s idea of what a man like Moses ought to look like. Michelangelo carved horns on his Moses! You can see them in the picture. You remember, perhaps, how the Bible says  the face of Moses shone with light when he came down from Mount Sinai? In early Italian translations of the Bible, the rays of light coming from the head of Moses were called by the      translators “horns”. And for this reason people of Michelangelo’s time thought Moses had horns.
  The statue is forceful, majestic, powerful. All who see it remember it. Travelers have said it is like seeing Niagara Falls or the ocean or a storm at sea.
  As famous as Michelangelo’s Moses are the groups of statues that he made for the tombs of two members of the Medici family. These tombs are in the Medicis’ private chapel, in the church of San Lorenzo. Michelangelo placed two figures, a man and a woman, on each tomb. Above these, in a niche in the wall, was placed a statue of the man whose tomb it was. One of these portrait statues is known as the Thinker and the other as the Warrior. The two figures on one of the tombs are known as Morning and Evening and those on the other as Day and Night.   Michelangelo lived to be eighty-nine and died in 1564.
  Strange to say, sculpture got worse instead of better after Michelangelo, and it was many years before it began again to improve.
Picasso’s mother said that the first word he uttered was “pencil”. One story tells that he started to draw before he learned to say any words at all. He was interested in drawing, painting, and sculpt
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