伽玛γ,希腊字母中的第三个字母。γ射线。又称丙种射线,镭和其它一些放射性元素的原子放出的射线,是波长极短的电磁波,穿透力比爱克斯射线更强,能穿透几十公分厚的钢板,工业上用来探伤,医学上用来杀菌消毒、治疗肿瘤等。 在深圳,一个以“伽玛医生”命名的互联网企业(WWW.drgama.com)正迅速崛起。经CNNIC第三方认证,才短短的半年时间,其页面浏览量已超过100万,每月有150万人访问网站。在某种程度上可以这样说,它创造了一种新的“深圳速度”。 首席执行官耿军博士毫不讳言自己的“狼子野心”——他要直取中国健康类网站中的第一品牌。
Gamma gamma, the third letter of the Greek alphabet. Gamma rays. Also known as C rays, radium and other radioactive elements of atoms emit radiation, is a very short wavelength of electromagnetic waves, penetrating power stronger than the X-ray, can penetrate tens of centimeters thick steel plate, the industry used to flaw detection, medicine Used for sterilization, treatment of cancer and so on. In Shenzhen, an Internet company named “Gamma Doctor” (WWW.drgama.com) is rapidly emerging. CNNIC third-party certification, only a short period of six months, the page view has more than 1 million, 1.5 million people visit the site every month. To some extent it can be said that it has created a new “Shenzhen speed.” Dr. Geng Jun, CEO, has no secret of his “wild ambition” - he must take the first brand in the Chinese health website.