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十六岁的深圳女中学生郁秀,刚刚步入春光明媚的花季。十六岁是花季,十七岁是雨季,十六、七岁正是人生最美好、最活泼、最灿烂的时光。花季中的少女郁秀,用她那稚嫩的笔描绘了人生的花季——特区的校园生活,向时代推出了第一部女中学生反映特区校园生活的长篇小说——《花季·雨季》,这是深圳这块改革开放的火热的生活沃土上一朵初绽的蓓蕾! 这部女中学生写的反映特区校园生活的长篇小说,从中学生的视觉,以中学生这个社会群体为主线,展示了深圳经济特区社会生活的各个层面,探讨了特区教育制度、家庭伦理等一系列社会问题,描绘了特区中学生斑烂多采的生活画面。小说还成功地塑造了一群栩栩如生的特区中学生形 Sixteen-year-old Shenzhen high school girl Yu Xiu, just entered the beautiful spring season. The age of 16 is a season of flowers, the age of 17 is a rainy season, and the age of sixteen and seven is the best, most lively and most splendid time in life. Yu Sze, a young girl in her flower season, uses her tender pen to depict the life of the SAR - campus life in the SAR. She introduced the first novel to reflect the school life on the campus of the SAR - “Blossom Season” and “Rainy Season”. Shenzhen is a fiery life of reform and opening up fertile land on a new beginning of the bud! The female secondary school students to reflect the life of the SAR campus of the novel, from the secondary school students in visual, secondary school students in this social group as the main line shows Shenzhen At all levels of social life in the SEZs, we have explored a series of social issues such as the education system and family ethics in the SAR, and painted a picture of the life of the secondary high school students in the SAR. The novel has also successfully shaped a group of lifelong secondary school students in the SAR
解了大量的题为什么“不开窍”?弗里德曼指出:主要原因是“获得了答案”后,缺乏“分析”解题过程. Solve a large number of questions why “Friedman ”? Friedman point
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
对2003年以来民政部减灾中心立项的182项科研项目数量进行统计分析,介绍了中心科研项目管理经验并指明了未来工作方向。 The number of 182 scientific research projects i
英 国人麦克说:“只有经历过失败的艰辛,才能享受到成功的喜悦,也只有一步步成功,孩子才能真正地长大。”麦克的儿子查理就是这样长大到10岁的。如今,这个小男孩不但会照顾自己的起居,修理家里的水管、电器,就连修汽车也能说得头头是道。  查理第一次做事,是在2岁的时候。他看到父亲正在洗碗池里洗碗,很好奇。麦克把查理抱到洗碗池上:“来吧,查理,你来洗碗好了,看看你干得怎么样?”查理跳进洗碗池里就干了起来,