苏氏(鱼芒)鲶,Pamgasius sutchi(Fowier),又称暹罗河鲶,是东南亚国家著名的食用鱼和主要养殖对象。(鱼芒)鲶肉质好、生长快、产量高和适合多种水体养殖。华南师范大学生物系鱼类研究室(课题承担单位)1978年从泰国引进了当年(鱼芒)鲶鱼种213尾,进行“(鱼芒)鲶的引种、人工繁殖和养殖技术”的课题研究。经过近八年的研究,解决了(鱼芒)鲶人工繁殖、鱼种培育、越冬技术和池塘混养等技术问题,并在推广养殖中取得
Su Shi (Yu Man) catfish, Pamgasius sutchi (Fowier), also known as the Siam River catfish, Southeast Asia is a famous food fish and the main breeding object. (Fish Mans) catfish good quality, fast growth, high yield and suitable for a variety of aquaculture. Department of Biology, South China Normal University, Department of Fish Research Laboratory (project commitment unit) imported from 1978 in Thailand (fish shrimp) catfish species 213, for “(fish) catfish introduction, artificial breeding and farming techniques” research. After nearly eight years of research, we have solved the technical problems of artificial breeding of fish (Cichlid) catfish, breeding of fish species, overwintering technology and polyculture of ponds,