Analysis of Juglans regia and Arachis hypogaea by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

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[Objective] The research aimed to study the Juglans regia and Arachis hypogaea by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).[Method] The infrared spectra of Arachis hypogaea and Juglans regia from six different producing areas were analyzed.[Result] The results showed that the spectral shape and position of the peaks were very similar for the Juglans regia from different areas and between the Juglans regia and the Arachis hypogaea.The differences were observed among the absorbance ratios of several peaks.For the Juglans regia and Arachis hypogaea,the absorbance ratio A1746/A1653 was greater than 1,while A1099/A1653 was slightly larger than 1 for the Juglans regia and less than 1 for the Arachis hypogaea.By the differences of absorbance ratios of A1746/A1653 and A1099/A1653,Juglans regia from six different areas might be discriminated.[Conclusion] The FTIR might be a rapid,convenient simple and non-destructive method in determination of the origin of agricultural products. [Objective] The research aimed to study the Juglans regia and Arachis hypogaea by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). [Method] The infrared spectra of Arachis hypogaea and Juglans regia were analyzed from six different producing areas. the spectral shape and position of the peaks were very similar for the Juglans regia from different areas and between the Juglans regia and the Arachis hypogaea. The differences were observed among the absorbance ratios of several peaks. For the Juglans regia and Arachis hypogaea, the absorbance ratio A1746 / A1653 was greater than 1, while A1099 / A1653 was slightly larger than 1 for the Juglans regia and less than 1 for the Arachis hypogaea.By the differences of absorbance ratios of A1746 / A1653 and A1099 / A1653, Juglans regia from six The different regions might be discriminated. [Conclusion] The FTIR might be a rapid, simple simple and non-destructive method in determination of the origin of agricultural products.
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