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以红松无性系种子园各无性系结实量指标和生长指标为据,利用灰色关联度分析了结实与生长的关系。结果表明,与结实量关联度较大的3个因子依次是:胸径、侧枝粗、树高。 Based on the indexes of climax and growth index of clones in the climatic seed orchard of Pinus koraiensis, the relationship between seed setting and growth was analyzed by the gray relational degree. The results showed that the three factors associated with the seed setting were: DBH, thick branches and tree height.
胃平滑肌瘤 (smoothmuscletumorsofstomach ,以下简称SMTS)为胃部良性常见肿瘤 ,其CT表现具有一定特征性。通过回顾性分析 12例经手术病理证实的胃平滑肌瘤的CT表现 ,旨在提
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor(IMT) is an uncommon benign neoplasm with locally aggressive behavior but malignant change is rare.We report an unusual case o
With the popularity of cloud computing and mobile Apps,on-demand services such as on-line music or audio streaming and vehicle booking are widely available nowa
目的 探讨多组织三维重建方法在寰枕和寰枢关节病变中的诊断作用。方法  10例正常志愿者 ,42例寰枕或者寰枢关节畸形或外伤者 ,经螺旋CT扫描 ,对枕骨、寰椎和枢椎用同样阈
患者 男 ,8岁。自幼因感冒体检发现心脏杂音。查体 :于胸骨左缘 3、4肋间闻及广泛收缩期杂音。无紫绀 ,无咯血 ,活动后轻度乏力 ,心慌、气喘 ,胸痛。心电图 :窦性心律 ,心电
This paper presents a scalable parser framework using graphics processing units (GPUs) for massive text-based files.Specifically,our solution is designed to eff
目的 讨论CT检查对猫抓病的诊断价值。方法 利用螺旋CT增强扫描对 3例手术病理证实为猫抓病的病例进行检查并总结分析。结果  3例均有明显猫抓伤或接触史 ,其引流区域淋巴
1998年6月,江苏盐城沿海地区黑嘴鸥(Larus saundersi)平均巢密度为1.06只/hm2(XD=0.82,n=10),有卵巢密度为0.71只/hm2(XD=0.71,n=10).巢区上空黑嘴鸥成鸟数量与样带内巢密度