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我人民解放军全体将士,在解放全国保卫国土的长期艰苦斗争中,有着无上光荣和卓越的功勋,对于他们的健康生活,必须予以充分的保障。尤其在目前为了适应加速国防建设,建立现代化的陆海空军的需要,更应大力充实国防建设中的卫生人员,以加强军队卫生工作,提高全体军队成员的健康水平。在充实国防建设中的卫生人员时,并应积极设法使一般人民中的保健工作不致受到大的影响。为此特作决定如下: In the long and arduous struggle to liberate the entire country from defending the country, all the people’s Liberation Army soldiers and soldiers have the supreme honor and excellence and must fully guarantee their healthy living. In particular, at present, in order to meet the need of speeding up national defense building and establishing a modern land, sea and air force, more vigorous efforts should be made to popularize the health personnel in the national defense building so as to enhance the military health work and enhance the health of all army members. While enriching the health personnel in the building of national defense, we should make every effort to ensure that the health care work among the general population will not be greatly affected. This special decision as follows:
平原抗日游击战争现在已经发展到了一种新的形势。其中有几个具体问题说明如下: (一) 平原游击战争的新形势平原抗日根据地在某些地区(如冀中、冀鲁边、冀南等——原编者注)
引言 AGM-69A SRAM超音速空地导弹系波音公司研制,用来装备现有的和未来的战略轰炸机,在突破空防时用来压制雷达和高射武器,并用余下的导弹杀伤主要目标。经过一些改装(用普
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