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应用多层螺旋CT对正常胰腺的CT灌注特点进行分析,研究正常胰腺灌注参数与年龄、性别的关系及正常胰腺不同部位灌注参数变化特征。30例胰腺正常者行腹部CT检查,其中3例健康志愿者,27例因其他疾病行腹部CT检查病人。按年龄分为3组:年龄小于40岁组、41岁~60岁组、大于61岁组。采用德国Siemens somatom Sensation64层螺旋CT进行胰腺动态增强扫描,层厚2.4mm,管电压100kV,管电流120mA。对比剂欧乃派克(300mgI/mL)100mL,Irich missouri高压自动注射器自动注射,注射速率为5mL/s,总量50mL。延迟6s开始扫描,共扫描30s。利用Siemens somatom Sensation型64层螺旋CT自带软件PCT进行处理得到灌注参数:Fb(血流量)、Vb(血容量)、Ttp(峰值时间)、PS(表面通透性)等。正常胰腺血流灌注平均Fb、Vb、Ttp、PS分别为(133.55±25.70)(mL/100mL/min)、(193.78±27.01)(mL/L)、(142.41±13.95)(0.1s)、(128.72±34.53)(0.5mL/100mL/min),不同年龄组间胰腺各灌注参数差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。男性平均Fb、Vb、Ttp、PS分别为(127.59±22.90)(mL/100mL/min)、(188.72±25.19)(mL/L)、(142.91±13.17)(0.1s)、(133.30±42.86)(0.5mL/100mL/min)。女性平均Fb、Vb、Ttp、PS分别为(142.48±28.04)(mL/100mL/min)、(201.37±28.94)(mL/L)、(141.66±15.63)(0.1s)、(121.85±14.80)(0.5mL/100mL/min)。两组间比较各灌注参数差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),胰头、胰体、胰尾血流灌注平均Fb、Vb、Ttp、PS差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结果表明,螺旋CT灌注成像技术能有效检测胰腺血流灌注,正常胰腺灌注随年龄增长有下降趋势但无统计学意义。正常胰腺灌注与年龄、性别无关,胰腺各部位灌注均匀。 The CT perfusion characteristics of normal pancreas were analyzed by MSCT. The relationship between normal pancreas perfusion parameters and age and sex and the perfusion parameters of different parts of normal pancreas were studied. Thirty patients with normal pancreas underwent abdominal CT examination, of which 3 healthy volunteers, 27 patients underwent abdominal CT examination for other diseases. Divided into three groups according to age: less than 40 years old group, 41 to 60 years old group, greater than 61 years old group. Germany Siemens somatom Sensation64 slice spiral CT dynamic enhanced scan, layer thickness 2.4mm, tube voltage 100kV, tube current 120mA. Contrast agent Omnipaque (300mgI / mL) 100mL, Irich missouri autoclave automatic injection, the injection rate of 5mL / s, a total of 50mL. 6s delayed start scanning, a total scan 30s. Using Siemens somatom Sensation 64-slice spiral CT comes with the software PCT processing perfusion parameters: Fb (blood flow), Vb (blood volume), Ttp (peak time), PS (surface permeability) and so on. The average Fb, Vb, Ttp and PS of normal pancreas perfusion were (133.55 ± 25.70) mL / 100mL / min, 193.78 ± 27.01 mL / L, 128.72 ± 34.53) (0.5mL / 100mL / min). There was no significant difference in the perfusion parameters between different age groups (P> 0.05). The average Fb, Vb, Ttp and PS in male were (127.59 ± 22.90) mL / 100mL / min, 188.72 ± 25.19 mL / L, 142.91 ± 13.17 and 0.130, (0.5 mL / 100 mL / min). The mean Fb, Vb, Ttp and PS in female group were (142.48 ± 28.04) mL / 100mL / min, 201.37 ± 28.94mL / L, 141.66 ± 15.63, 0.1s, 121.85 ± 14.80, (0.5 mL / 100 mL / min). There were no significant differences in perfusion parameters between the two groups (P> 0.05). There was no significant difference in average Fb, Vb, Ttp and PS between pancreas, pancreas, and tail flow perfusion (P> 0.05). The results showed that spiral CT perfusion imaging can effectively detect the perfusion of pancreas, and the pancreas perfusion decreased with age, but there was no statistical significance. Normal pancreas perfusion and age, sex has nothing to do, all parts of the pancreas perfusion.
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一、前言本文首先介绍这种类型的材料在欧洲一些国家市场上的发展情况,其次根据产品的应用情况和技术性能,提出一个技术评价。 三年前英国cp110建议,不能把含氯化钙的混凝土
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