
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linxiong12
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租赁是一种集约化的设备管理模式,可以提高设备的利用率,充分发挥设备的投资效益.租赁设备的检修工作是租赁工作中的一个重要环节,抓好这一环节是延长设备使用寿命的关键.租赁设备租金的收取原则则是促进租赁工作进一步发展的重要因素之一.一、检修煤炭行业租赁对象大部分为采、掘、运等可移动设备,租赁设备中、小修和日常维修一般由使用单位负责,大修由租赁站负责.1.中、小修和日常维护:应做到天天有维护,周周有维修,月月有小修,季季有中修.设备在使用过程中,因故障或部件损坏影响正常运转,而大修又未到时,应由租用单位负责进行中修,费用自理;设备租赁期满,交还租赁站时,设备必须完好.验收不合格需进行中修的费用由租用单位负责.2.大修:租赁站统一安排大修计划,委托和签订大修合同.大修费根据设备完好或损坏状况由租赁站商承修单位按规定提收.租赁站对委托大修的设备要进行中检和监督修理进度并组织验收,合格后,办理结算及交接手续.设备大修完毕后,应设定保修期并预留20%大修理费,保修期内出现修理质量问题,由承修单位免费修理,未出现质量问题,大修理预留费应按期付给承修单位.在设备租用期间(不含保修期)出现带病运转或因事故停产等情况,租用单位可向租赁站申请租用替换设备或部件,租赁站要根据情 Leasing is an intensive equipment management mode, which can increase the utilization rate of equipment and give full play to the investment efficiency of the equipment. The overhaul work of leasing equipment is an important part of the leasing work. To do this is to extend the service life of the equipment. Key. Lease equipment rent collection principle is one of the important factors to promote the further development of the lease. First, maintenance of the coal industry, most of the objects for the mining, mining, transportation and other removable equipment, lease equipment, minor repairs and routine maintenance The use unit is responsible for the overhaul by the rental station. 1. Medium and minor repairs and routine maintenance: There should be maintenance every day, there is maintenance on the week, there is a minor repair on the lunar month, there is a medium repair in the quarter, and the equipment is in use. The fault or component damage will affect the normal operation, but when the overhaul has not arrived, the rental unit shall be responsible for carrying out the repairs at its own expense; when the equipment lease expires, the equipment must be in good condition when the lease is returned. Responsible for the leased unit. 2. Overhaul: The lease station will arrange the overhaul plan and entrust and sign the overhaul contract. The overhaul fee will be repaired by the rental station according to the equipment’s integrity or damage. According to the regulations, the rental station shall conduct the medium inspection, supervision and repair progress of the entrusted overhauled equipment and organize inspection and acceptance. After passing the inspection, the lease clearing and handover procedures shall be completed. After the overhaul of the equipment, the warranty period shall be set and 20% shall be reserved. Fees, repair quality problems occurred during the warranty period, free repair by the maintenance unit, there is no quality problems, overhaul repair fee should be paid to the contractor on time. In the equipment rental period (excluding the warranty period) appear sick or In case of accidents, etc., the rented units may apply for rental of replacement equipment or components to the rental station.
该公司是世界著名测量仪器制造厂家,通过ISO9002质量认证,产品以高精度、高质量和高可靠性而著称,在中国拥有众多的用户并享有盛誉。 该公司是数字存储示波器的鼻祖,1972年
日本氧化铁生产厂家正集中力量改进其生产工艺和降低生产费用,以增强其在世界市场上的竞争力。 氧化铁主要用作电视机部件和磁带的高磁性材料以及颜料。据估计,用作磁性材料
我是选择在一个雾霾天,逃离北京的。  很多时候,北京人都有一种莫名其妙的优越感,但是冬天一来,这种优越感就会消失,北京人民就会觉得云南真好啊,西藏真好啊。为什么?这两个地方,没有雾霾呗。  云南是我的第二故乡。远离雾霾,云南是我的第一选择。我在一个重度污染的伸手不见五指的雾霾天,直接从北京飞到了丽江。  到丽江后,我迫不及待地要往玉龙雪山去,因为只有玉龙雪山上的空气才能洗涤我身体里的污浊之气。其实
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