苏州天平山具有独特的人文景观和迷人的自然景观,天平山红枫更是名闻大江南北。与北京香山、长沙岳麓山、南京栖霞山同列为我国四大观枫胜地。 70年代,“松干蚧”虫害铺天盖地袭来,吞噬了天平山55公顷土地上的万株马尾松,就连明代万历年间的遗物190多棵“九枝枫”古枫香也受到很大威胁。好端端的一座青山在二、三年内变成了荒山秃岭,山石裸露。三口池塘几乎全部干涸。一遇雨天,泥沙俱下,冲垮良田。天平山风景区名存实亡。 党的十一届三中全会精神像春风吹到天平山。园林职工决心重振旗鼓,在天平山这块55公顷的土地上大搞绿化。从1981年起,他们与当地驻军一起,共建天平山军民友谊林。十多年来,在山
Suzhou Mount Tianping has a unique cultural landscape and charming natural landscape, Mount Tianping red maple is famous north-south. And Beijing Xiangshan, Changsha Yuelu Mountain, Nanjing Qixiashan with the four view maple resort. In the 1970s, the “Songzhong Kui” pest hit overwhelming and swallowed thousands of Pinus massoniana on 55 hectares of Mount Tianping. Even the relics of 190 or more during the Wanli years of the Ming Dynasty were also threatened. A good end of a green hill in two or three years into a barren bald hills, rocks exposed. Almost all three ponds dried up. In a rainy day, all the sand, washed down farmland. Mountain Scenic Area in name only. The spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party was like a spring breeze blowing to the Mt. The garden workers are determined to regroup and vigorously green the 55-hectare land in Mount Tianping. Since 1981, together with the local garrison, they have jointly established the Friendship and Friendship Forest at Mount Tianping. For more than a decade, in the mountains