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今年春夏之交,举国上下展开声势浩大的严厉打击刑事犯罪分子的群众运动。自治区各级政府及公安机关根据党中央的统一部署于4月26日起拉开了“百日严打战役行动”的帷幕,集中全力重点打击暴力恐怖犯罪、严重暴力犯罪、涉枪犯罪、杀人犯罪、毒品犯罪、流氓恶势力犯罪、盗窃抢劫犯罪和各种团伙犯罪,严厉惩处各类严重危害社会治安的刑事犯罪分子。在全疆各级党委政府与政法部门以及自治区严打行动领导小组的统一领导下,自治区与各地公安干警全力以赴,协调作战,高擎正义利剑,以雷霆万钧之力,摧枯拉朽之势,侦破了一批批大案要案、摧毁了一个个犯罪团伙,取得了一次次令人瞩目的辉煌成果,违法犯罪分子惶惶不可终日,各族人民群众无不拍手称快。一、摧毁暴力恐怖犯罪团伙随着国内外各类犯罪团伙活动日趋猖狂,一些社会丑恶现象开始蔓延,严重暴力恐怖犯 At the turn of the spring and summer of this year, the entire country started a massive and massacre massacre against criminal criminals. The government at all levels and public security organs at the autonomous regional level started the curtain of the “Hundred Days Strike Campaign” on April 26 in accordance with the unified arrangements of the Central Committee of the Party Central Committee, focusing on cracking down the violent terrorist crimes, the violent crimes, the gun-related crimes, Murder crimes, drug crimes, crimes against rogue and evil forces, theft of robberies and crimes committed by various groups and severely punished all kinds of criminal criminals who have seriously endangered public order. Under the unified leadership of the party committees and governments, the political and legal departments at all levels in Xinjiang and the leading group of crackdown operations in the autonomous region, the public security police officers and all local police officers devoted all their efforts to coordinating combat and seizing the sword of justice. With the force of the thunderbolt, The massacre of batches of cases and major battles has destroyed a number of criminal gangs and scored brilliant achievements of remarkable quality once and for all. The criminal criminals are in a constant state of anxiety and the people in all ethnic groups clap their hands fast. I. Destroying Violent Terrorist Criminal Gangs As the activities of various criminal gangs at home and abroad are becoming increasingly rampant, some social evils have begun to spread and violent terrorists commit serious crimes
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