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  关键词:经济转型 产业升级 内驱力
  Abstract: China has nowadays entered a crucial stage of economic transition and industrial upgrading, during which there are many obstacles to be overcome and numerous key issues to be solved. This paper mainly deals with four aspects, namely, industrial upgrading as the driving force for economic transition, theory of economic transition as the mainstay for industrial upgrading, strategies for the promotion of economic transition and industrial upgrading, and industrial upgrading paths.
  Key Words: economic transition industrial upgrading
  I. Industrial upgrading as the driving force for economic transition
  Within the current division system of industrial chain around the world, China lies at the bottom of the “smiling curve”, thus putting itself into a disadvantageous position in global production and profit distribution chain. With the price of labor and raw materials going up, China can no longer enjoy the low-cost dividend. In order to maintain economic sustainability, China shall make major adjustments to its economic development patterns as well as push forward industrial upgrading (Gan Chunhui, 2012). Seen from the comparative advantage of factors, China faces pressure from the price upsurge of factors and the loss of cost advantage. The price of labor, being at an irreversible stage of rising, has reached the “Lewis turning point”. The loss of advantage in labor cost throws the low-end processing and manufacturing industries in China into a disadvantageous position. Meanwhile, the prices of energy resources and raw materials in the international market have also witnessed a sharp rise.
  II. Theory of economic transition as the mainstay for industrial upgrading
  There is positive correlation between industrial upgrading and economic growth, for the former is one of the important drivers behind the latter. Adjustment of industrial structure, being the driving force for economic development, can help increase the efficiency of resources distribution. To ensure sustained, healthy and coordinated development of national economy, the winning recipe largely depends on the upgrading and optimization of industrial structure.
  Industrial structure refers to the correlation of different industries as well as their relative proportional relations. But their relations are not limited in economic activities. Actually proportional relations also exist between the distribution of various resources among industries and the output and value of products deeply influenced by it. Rational industrial structure can not only improve the development level within a certain industry, but also promote the coordinated and healthy development of all industries.   III. Strategies for the promotion of economic transition and industrial upgrading
  Strategy of industrial upgrading from manufacturing to manufacturing service: one of the main goals of economic structural transformation and industrial upgrading is to solve the issues of livelihood of the people, which relies on employment (Long Yongtu, 2001). And to develop manufacture-related service industry in a substantial way remains the principal route to the problem. The issue of coordinated development of industrial structure boils down to resources distribution among different industries and within each industry. Furthermore, modern service industry has the natural ability to regulate itself through the way of driving and adjusting other industries.
  Strategy of value chain upgrading: seen from the global value chain, Chinese industrial upgrading shall obey the following sequence, namely, process upgrading, product upgrading, function upgrading and then service upgrading. One type is for the production of industrial intermediates and enhanced capability of profit making; the other type is for the production of finished products(Xue Jinshan, 2010).
  Strategy of developing emerging industries: emerging industries, representing the developmental trend of advanced manufacturing industry across the world, refer to those that take the lead in technological innovation, play an important role in national economic system, and exert certain radiation effects on other industries as well as guide the future economic development. They can promote economic transition and industrial upgrading as well as push the advanced manufacturing industry to transform from being investment-driven to innovation-oriented.
  Strategy of collaborative industrial upgrading among regions: this means active undertaking of the industrial transfer from developed countries and reasonable planning of regional industrial layout in reference to the development imbalance among regions across the country, with the aim to encourage industrial transfer and upgrading in different regions.
  IV. Industrial upgrading paths based upon economic transition
  As economic transition and industrial upgrading can be moved forward by the adoption of new technology, innovation and industrial system as well as newly-created service, technological innovation provides the mainstay for transition and upgrading. The changing process of industrial structure shows an evolutionary law of developing from low level to high level, which virtually indicates the trend of transforming from low technology and low added value to high technology and high added-value.   To deepen industrial innovation is to further push forward the advancement of industrial evolution and provide the impetus for the transformation and optimization of industrial structure. Through technical innovation of traditional sectors, technological content in the manufacturing process and the products can be increased. Since Chinese traditional sectors involve industrial circles, it is difficult to realize the goal of overall technical upgrading within a short period of time. Innovation and upgrading of traditional sectors shall be carried out under the strict auspices of industrial policies. Lang hsien-ping (2010) also points out that from the medium- and long-term development, Chinese manufacturers industry must find problems in their own companies and properly deal with the upgrading and integration of the “6+1” value chain if they want to break through the financial crisis. “Apart from manufacturing, they have to handle the following six links, integration of product designs, material procurement, logistics transportation, order processing, wholesale management and terminal retailing, because these six links are the most valuable ones that can create the largest surplus in the whole chain.” Enhancement of the performance and level of the whole service value chain through uninterrupted integration has become the dominant pattern of service-oriented economy, which corresponds to the changes of market demand and supply as well as the competition trend in economic globalization. The comparative advantage of Chinese industries in global economy shall be brought into play; the high end of global value chain shall be striven for; and the transition and upgrading of industries shall be pursued.
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