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大豆在种值业中占有很大比例,多年来,通过探索,引进和总结实践经验,形成了多项不同地区的增产技术措施,如:更新品种,调整施肥,配套农具,及耕作制度改革等。但产量提高的限度仍不明显,实践证明,大豆叶面追肥是行之有效的重要措施之一。因为大豆生长中期,根系功能逐渐减弱,叶面功能增强,造成脱肥现象,如果适时进行叶面喷肥,既补充大豆需肥和微量元素的不足,又有效增强光合作用,促进新陈代谢也就有效地调节营养元素,生长素向作物的生长中心输送,促进营养物质向籽粒集中,达到增产、改善品质的目的。下面介绍几种常用的叶面追肥技术。具有成本低,增产效果好、性能稳定、操作简便、使用安全、不污染环境等特点,并有早熟5—7天,增产15—20%的作用。(1)植物动力2003 亩用量8ml,兑水20kg强壮植 Soybean occupies a large proportion of the value industry. Over the years, through the exploration, introduction and summing-up of practical experience, a number of technical measures have been formulated to increase production in different regions, such as renewing varieties, adjusting fertilization, supporting tools, and reforming the farming system . However, the limit of yield increase is still not obvious. Practice has proved that soybean leaf top dressing is one of the important measures that are effective. Because the middle of soybean growth, root function gradually weakened, increased leaf function, resulting in de-fertilizer phenomenon, if the timely foliar spray, both to supplement the lack of fertilizer and trace elements in soybeans, but also effectively enhance photosynthesis and promote metabolism is also effective To regulate nutrient elements, auxin transport to the growth center of crops, to promote the concentration of nutrients to the grain, to increase production and improve quality purposes. Here are some commonly used foliar fertilizer technology. The invention has the advantages of low cost, good stimulation effect, stable performance, easy operation, safe use and no pollution to the environment, and has the functions of 5-7 days premature generation and 15-20% increase of yield. (1) Plant power 2003 mu amount 8ml, watered 20kg strong plant
本文介绍了大型数据中心智能化系统的主要组成及技术特点。 This article introduces the main components and technical features of a large data center intelligent sy