Guaranteed cost control of networked control systems under limited communication capacity and variab

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:av437556057
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The problem of guaranteed cost control for the networked control systems(NCSs) with time-varying delays, time-varying sampling intervals and signals quantization was investigated, wherein the physical plant was continuous-time one, and the control input was discrete-time one. By using an input delay approach and a sector bound method, the network induced delays, quantization parameter and sampling intervals were presented in one framework in the case of the state and the control input by quantized in a logarithmic form. A novel Lyapunov function with discontinuity, which took full advantages of the NCS characteristic information, was exploited. In addition, it was shown that Lyapunov function decreased at the jump instants. Furthermore, the Leibniz-Newton formula and free-weighting matrix methods were used to obtain the guaranteed cost controller design conditions which were dependent on the NCS characteristic information. A numerical example was used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. The problem of guaranteed cost control for the networked control systems (NCSs) with time-varying delays, time-varying sampling intervals and signal quantization was investigated, wherein the physical plant was continuous-time one, and the control input was discrete-time one . By using an input delay approach and a sector bound method, the network induced delays, quantization parameter and sampling intervals were presented in one framework in the case of the state and the control input by quantized in a logarithmic form. A novel Lyapunov function with discontinuity, which took full advantages of the NCS characteristic information, was exploited. Furthermore, the Leibniz-Newton formula and free-weighting matrix methods were used to obtain the guaranteed cost controller design conditions which were dependent on the NCS characteristic information. A numerical example was used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
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