
来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CoolTNTmax
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今年年初,青海省大部分地区,特别是东部农业区一直平均温度高于往年,雨雪明显偏少,对农作物播种造成一定困难,为进一步了解具体情况,我有幸跟随局农牧处赴海东地区乐都县和民和县的三个乡镇对春耕备耕、基层统计工作情况进行调研。从大学毕业考入省统计局以来,我就一直在局综合处工作,与基层统计联系较少,不熟悉基层统计相关情况,经过这次调研对基层统计工作有了初步的了解,体会也 Earlier this year, the average temperature in most parts of Qinghai Province, especially in the eastern part of the country, has been higher than in previous years with obviously less rain and snow, which made the planting of crops somewhat difficult. To better understand the specific situation, I was fortunate to follow the Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Three counties in Ledu County and Minhe County investigated the situation of spring plowing and grass-roots statistics. Since I was admitted to the Provincial Bureau of Statistics from the university, I had been working in the Bureau of Integrated Services. I had less contact with grass-roots statistics and were not familiar with the basic-level statistics. After this investigation, I got an initial understanding of the statistics at the grass-roots level.
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GB/T3 42 9《焊接用钢盘条》标准首次发布于1982年,1994年第一次修订,2 0 0 2年进行了第2次修订,修订后的标准为GB/T3 42 9—2 0 0 2《焊接用钢盘条》。国家质量监督检验检疫