
来源 :中国原子能科学研究院年报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhudebaotogogo
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在近库仑势垒能区测量了弱束缚核体系~7Li+~(63)Cu弹性散射的角分布,拟合实验数据抽取了光学势,研究了该体系光学势随能量变化的关系。对于弱束缚核~7Li,虽然已存在大量的弹性散射数据,但是由于光学势参数随靶核不同而剧烈变化,导致难以得到合适的系统学光学势。尤其对于~7Li+~(63)Cu体系,由于弹核和靶核都是奇A核,结构效应明显,弹性散射与其他反应道之间存在强烈的耦合效应。实验上,对于该体系的测量并不 The angular distribution of ~ 7Li + ~ (63) Cu elastic scattering was measured in the near-Coulomb barrier energy region. The optical potential was extracted by fitting the experimental data and the relationship between the optical potential and the energy change was studied. For weakly bound nuclei ~ 7Li, although a large amount of elastic scattering data already exists, it is difficult to obtain the appropriate systematic optical potential because the optical potential parameters vary dramatically with different target nuclei. Especially for the ~ 7Li + ~ (63) Cu system, the structure effect is obvious because both the bomb-core and the target nucleus are odd A-nuclei. There is a strong coupling effect between elastic scattering and other reaction channels. Experimentally, the measurement for this system is not
它“贵气”十足,于宋代成为朝廷贡品;它很早便纳入专业文献推介,我国历史上最早的石谱——宋朝杜绾所著的《云林石谱》对其记载甚详,指出其产于“英州洽光、真阳县之间,石产溪水中”。它在奇石界名望极高,宋朝把它与灵璧石、太湖石等“怪石”列入文房四玩,更是清代以来公认的四大园林名石之一。它一身具“皱、透、瘦、漏”之神韵,曾被文人墨客视为挚爱、倾情赋诗。它就是英石。至今,英石文化已有近千年历史。  古人云:“
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